Travelife for Accommodation

Travelife for Accommodation is an internationally recognised accommodation sustainability programme that certifies hotels of all sizes around the world. Travelife’s >GSTC recognised standard is one of the most comprehensive and robust accommodation sustainability certifications, with requirements covering all areas of sustainability such as the environment, greenhouse emissions, fair labour, human rights, child safeguarding and animal welfare. Both travellers and travel companies can have confidence that a Travelife Certified accommodation provider has had their work in these areas independently checked and verified following a full onsite audit of the property. Travelife certification also answers to growing consumer and travel trade expectations around sustainability and climate change. Guests staying in a Travelife Certified accommodation can be sure that the hotel is committed to protecting human rights, supporting communities, reducing emissions and stress on local resources in their destinations.
30 Park Street
London, SE1 9EQ
United Kingdom

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