RLHC Design Center Opens in Denver May 20 — Photo by RLH
RLHC Design Center Opens in Denver May 20 — Photo by RLH
RLHC Design Center Opens in Denver May 20 — Photo by RLH

– RLHC (Red Lion Hotels Corporation, NYSE: RLH) today announced the company is opening a satellite office complete with model guest rooms for Hotel RL by Red Lion, Red Lion Hotels, Red Lion Inn & Suites. Located at 1550 Market Street, Suite 500, in Denver, the RLHC Design Center serves as office space for the company's Denver-based associates and a showroom for potential and current hotel owners, and a design center.

"Denver is a central U.S. city and easy to reach from most other cities, making it an ideal location in which to meet current and prospective owners and to recruit and retain talent with hospitality experience," said RLHC President & CEO Greg Mount. "This particular downtown Denver neighborhood, the LoDo district, is a perfect fit for our design center as it is up and coming. We believe our unique office concept brings to life the brand imaging we have created over the past year."

The RLHC Design Center is located in the historic lower Downtown Denver, or LoDo, on the fifth floor of the LEED certified 16M building at 16th Street Mall and Market Street. The 16M building is a mixed use development with luxury apartments, office space and restaurant space. The RLHC Design Center is an open concept workspace combined with glass walled meeting rooms and three model upscale and midscale hotel rooms. Initially, about a dozen RLHC associates will work out of this office space with the Lodging Development team using the space to host meetings with prospective owners.

"We have designed model rooms for guests based on typical existing supply incorporating changing consumer dynamics," said RLHC Chief Marketing Officer Bill Linehan. "The result is a unique consumerrelevant design with distinctive innovations such as more spacious living environments, more efficient use of technology and design features that meet evolving consumer behaviors."

About RLH Corporation

RLH Corporation is an innovative hotel company focused on the franchising of upscale, midscale and economy hotels. The company maximizes return on invested capital for hotel owners across North America through relevant brands, industry-leading technology and forward-thinking services. For more information, please visit the company's website at www.rlhco.com.

Pam Scott
Red Lion Hotels Corporation