
Maastricht - HospitalityNet launches today a new World Panel in its series on Sustainability in Hospitality, inviting leading experts worldwide to comment on the viewpoint: "Climate Emergency and the Hospitality Industry: Are We On Track?" Over 13 opinion leaders in the global hotel business are expected to participate, adding their voices to the debate.

HospitalityNet's "World Panel" concept regularly convenes a virtual panel of experts and thought leaders from around the world to respond to controversial ideas or questions facing the hospitality industry. The idea is not only to feel the pulse of the industry but also spark a conversation that could generate ideas for how the industry might approach challenging issues.

The new Panel is addressing the theme of sustainability. "We are calling together a stellar group of contributors to explore ideas, solutions and strategies required by the industry as it faces increased environmental and societal challenges," states Dr. Willy Legrand, Professor in the Dept. of Hospitality, Tourism and Event Management at Germany's leading service management school IUBH (IUBH International University Bad Honnef). Dr. Willy Legrand together with Franziska Altenrath, Co-Founder of TUTAKA oHG are the Panel's so-called "Champions", their role is to spur the participants to jump into the conversation and coordinate the ongoing discussion online.

"Since sustainability covers a wide range of topics, this Panel is supported by experts across many fields, including food, energy, water, waste, facilities, communication, social, and strategy. Our goal is to get sustainability anchored more than ever into the hospitality conversation and decision-making," he asserted.

"Climate Emergency and the Hospitality Industry: Are We On Track?"

Launching the Panel today, Prof. Dr. Legrand did not pull any punches as the name he chose for the conversation clearly declares that we are facing a "climate emergency".

The hotel industry, he explains, must reduce its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions per room by 66% by the year 2030, and by 90% by 2050 (see ITP, 2017). "However, looking at ten of the largest hotel companies, only one has set a goal that is in line with these science-based targets," he points out.

Decarbonization has long become an integral part of risk assessment in other industries. Considering how hotel supply is set to grow, the industry has already committed to future carbon dioxide emissions, thanks to the fact that new properties are often poorly designed and air conditioning-hungry.

The Panel will discuss this lack of commitment in the hospitality industry, asking what it is that is keeping developers and investors from building a carbon-neutral future: What are the main obstacles ahead? What can the industry do better, and how?

Henri Roelings, founder of HospitalityNet, said, "We're very happy to provide a platform for these vital discussions. The hospitality industry faces future challenges on many fronts, and we aim to play a part in stimulating the discussions that will help find lasting solutions."

About Hospitality Net

Acting as a ‘neutral’ broker and publisher of hotel business information, Hospitality Net is the #1 ranked global website for the global hospitality community. Hospitality Net enables all industry stakeholders to amplify visibility on its platform and connect with the industry globally through a membership business model, unlike any other publishing initiative in the industry. Members include actors throughout the hospitality spectrum - hotel groups, vendors/suppliers, associations, universities/schools, consultants, and event organizers. To learn more, visit To learn more, visit

Jill Dassen
Sales & Marketing Manager
Hospitality Net

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