Asking whether hoteliers should use generative AI tools like ChatGPT, Microsoft Copilot, or Google Gemini to help plan and execute content in 2024 is a bit like asking whether we should use a property management system to handle rates and inventory. You probably can get by without it, but it's a genuinely bad idea. Let me ask you this: Do you think the smartest hoteliers ignore helpful technology in their marketing and content development practices? What about the OTAs? Of course not. 

It's not that you're going to lose to "AI tools." But, you will lose to smart people who use those tools well. And it's not about replacing people. It's about using technology and talent to improve guest experience throughout their browsing, shopping, buying journey. Reservations, distribution, and revenue management depend on tech that automates parts of their process. Marketing today is no different. 

Hotels have frequently underinvested in content. What tools like ChatGPT do is essentially now make content free. Pairing AI with a savvy, knowledgeable marketer and a solid content strategy will define the difference between hotels who are able to drive direct revenue — and those who continue to pay too much for revenue through intermediaries. 

And they'll do it through a partnership of humans and AI. Your content must be guided by a thoughtful strategy that includes a clear understanding of the objectives for your content efforts; a deep regard for how your content will answer questions that matter to your guests; a focused content distribution plan to ensure that your content gets seen; and a well structured approach to measuring its effectiveness. Your strategy must also include appropriate governance to make sure the machine's output reflects your guests' and brand's values. 

None of this is hard. It's also not terribly time consuming. "Easy and fast" are among the benefits AI provides. The time to ask the question about whether to use generative AI is already past us. The questions now are how to do it well within your organization — and how soon you can get started.