Booking, Expedia, OpenTable, Kayak, MyRealTrip, KAYAK, Duve, Plan.AI, Roam Around, Vacay, Magpie, MyTrip.AI, Navan,, Wingie Enuygun Group, GuideGeek are just some of the travel companies already using generative AI with success. How are GenAI advancements shaping personalized trip planning, virtual travel guides, interactive storytelling, and seamless multilingual communication for travelers? Are we stepping into a "new normal" where artificial intelligence meets travel, and where the boundaries of exploration are pushed beyond imagination? What are the best use cases of Generative AI in our industry?

Simone Puorto
Simone Puorto
Founder | CEO | Futurist
Divya Bhargava
Divya Bhargava
Senior Manager Technology at Amway India Enterprises Private Limited
Marco Antonio Lueg
Marco Antonio Lueg
CEO at Virtual Arena Studio
Roberto Garavaglia
Roberto Garavaglia
Innovative Payments and blockchain Strategic Advisor

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