Surviving the Month-End Chaos

Whether you're on a 1-day close or a 10-day close, there are some fundamental commonalities that all strong accounting departments share when it comes to the month-end close. Please join us for an informative webinar where we share best practices that your team can implement to today to survive the chaos during month-end close.

Learning Objectives: This course objective is to understand ways to improve the month-end close process. Field of Study: Accounting.

Recommended CPE: 1 CPE.

Program Cost: $0.

Due to this program being offered free of charge, there will be no refunds issued.

Program Knowledge Level: Overview.

Prerequisite: None.

Advanced Preparation: None Required.

Delivery Method: Group Internet-Based.

Feedback and Comments: contact [email protected] or call 646-833-3177.

This webinar is hosted by Skystem

For more information please contact Nancy Wu
+1 805 300 0177

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