Maureen McQuade named Master of New England Innkeeping at the New England Inns and Resorts Association (NEIRA) in Cape Elizabeth
Maureen McQuade, former Innkeeper and owner of Inn by the Sea in Cape Elizabeth Maine was awarded the prestigious title of Master of New England Innkeeping by New England Inns and Resorts Association (NEIRA) at their annual meeting held at the Stage Neck Inn and York Harbor Inn on October 23, 2010. The NEIRA program, launched in 2003, assigns Masters of New England Innkeeping to outstanding individuals who make a profound and lasting contribution to the culture of hospitality in the region.McQuade, as past President of the Maine Innkeepers Association (MEIA), was an unflappable, compassionate leader according to Greg Dugal, MEIA Executive Director. “I arrived at the association shortly after Maureen took over as President of the board, so we were both new to our roles in the organization. Maureen called everyday for weeks to make sure I had everything needed for the job- knowing she had my back was invaluable.” NEIRA developed an essay describing highlights of McQuade’s career that was distributed at the meeting. According to Beth Steucek, Executive Director at NEIRA, the Masters’ essays form a collection of insights into special Innkeepers who develop a unique brand of hospitality. These hoteliers have energized both staff and guests with their personalities, and their sense of style has made staying or working at their property a one-of-a-kind experience.