Amy Travieso named VP of government affairs at American Hotel & Lodging Association (AHLA)
The American Hotel & Lodging Association tapped Amy Travieso as VP of government affairs, covering regulatory and legislative affairs on technology, innovation and other policy areas. She officially joins the AH&LA on Jan. 2, 2018. Travieso comes to the AH&LA from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, where she served as the lead Democratic liaison for the Chamber’s Technology Engagement Center. Before joining the Chamber, she spent 10 years in the House of Representatives, serving the last six as the deputy chief of staff for Rep. Henry Cuellar (TX-28), who co-chairs the Blue Dog Coalition. In addition to supporting AHLA’s advocacy efforts on Capitol Hill and with the administration, Travieso will also provide strategic support for the association’s political action committee, HotelPAC. Travieso rounds out a team of 10 government affairs professionals with extensive experience on Capitol Hill and in federal and state advocacy. During the past year, the AH&LA has advanced legislation in several cities and states to combat illegal hotels, joined a U.S. Department of Labor task force on apprenticeships, and successfully pushed the House of Representatives to reinstate the definition of a joint employer under federal labor law.