Ira Vouk

Fornova, the hospitality intelligence solutions provider recognized for its leading rate integrity and business intelligence management platform, yesterday welcomed Ira Vouk, MBA, as the newest member of its advisory board. Ira, a hospitality revenue management professional with almost 20 years of practical experience within the sector, will support Fornova with its product development and business strategy.

The software entrepreneur from San Diego, California is best known for her role in developing a new performance index for profit maximization, building a pioneering automated revenue management tool, iRates - the first RMS that adopted Machine Learning algorithms - and bringing to market Pricing Intelligence Engine (PIE), which has become the fastest growing RMS in the history of hospitality.

With a passion for innovation and technology, Ira was selected as one of the Top five Revenue Managers in the US by Hospitality Sales and Marketing Association in 2013 and was added to the board of directors at the HSMAI San Diego chapter. This year she was recognized within the top 17 professionals inspiring innovation in the US hotel industry by Advanced Hospitality Technologies.

Ira published her first book Revenue Management Made Easy for Midscale and Limited Service Hotels in 2018 and is a contributing writer to HSyndicate, HospitalityNet WorldPanel, HSMAI blog and numerous other online media. She is a frequent speaker on the topics of hospitality, technology, distribution, and revenue management and is currently writing a new book, due to be published within the next year.

The software product specialist is joining Fornova at an exciting time as it focuses on an intense growth phase across all its services and products. The business recently became the first in its industry to enable hotels to seamlessly connect to and automatically monitor Google Pay Per Stay (PPS) and had three of its solutions featured on the 2021 Hotel Distribution Technology Chart - an annual infographic produced by the Shiji Group which offers an overview of the current hotel technology vendor landscape.