Peter Anderson

HVS, a globally recognized hospitality consulting firm, is pleased to announce that Peter Anderson is joining HVS as a Managing Director and our Wellness Practice Leader within the Americas region. HVS is the largest consulting firm dedicated exclusively to the hospitality industry's life cycle, with about 40 offices in the United States.

Peter brings a unique blend of property development, feasibility analysis, and innovative wellness practices to this role. He can offer HVS hospitality clients wellness solutions that are designed to engage and delight customers, while ensuring they are fiscally sound investments. He has conducted engagements where wellness components have enhanced property value as much as 40%.

Based in Los Angeles, Peter's expertise also includes market studies and valuations, along with strategic operating plans, renovations, asset repositioning, and brand messaging. He evaluates industry trends, related revenue sources, and translates this into economically viable projects for his clients.

Peter is a globally recognized industry speaker, a faculty member at the Collins School of Hospitality Management, and a member in good standing of the International Society of Hospitality Consultants. He holds a Master of Professional Studies in Hotel Administration degree from Cornell University.