It’s Never Been Better for Investment in the Hotel Technology Industry

HFTP's CEO Frank Wolfe emphasizes the need for the hospitality industry to adapt its conventions to stay relevant, highlighting the HITEC Technology Investment Conference debuting this year. This addition is timely due to the pandemic accelerating the adoption of technology in hospitality, creating a favorable investment climate. Wolfe identifies four main challenges in hotel IT: industry fragmentation, on-premises systems, costly integrations, and siloed data, now more manageable with new technologies like cloud solutions, open APIs, and AI. The shift to cloud-native architectures and AI-enhanced software development promises cost reductions, improved service, and global scalability. Additionally, hotel technologies are expanding into residential and commercial real estate, presenting new opportunities for vendors. Wolfe sees this moment as the beginning of a new era in hotel technology, inviting deeper investment and collaboration at HITEC.

Just as the hospitality industry evolves, so too must the format of its conventions, especially one as influential to the hospitality industry as HITEC. This year, the senior team at HFTP has expanded the tradeshow’s depth and impact with the inaugural HITEC Technology Investment Conference, taking place immediately after the main event on Thursday and Friday (June 27-28). While it’s been in the making for a long time, we couldn’t have hoped for a better year to debut this addition.

Needless as it may be to the mention at this point, the pandemic accelerated brands’ prioritization of technological adoption, and we are still technically within this event’s bullwhip as hotels look to stabilize occupancy forecasts and labor costs while charting a course for the rest of the decade. This alone will mean a receptive audience for new ventures that can help brands take their businesses to the next level. Other concurrent changes have opened the doors to rapid scalability and consolidation, though.

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The Hotel Yearbook Technology 2024

The HOTEL Yearbook Technology 2024 delves into the transformative power of data in the hospitality industry, exploring how the "everything-data decade" is reshaping the landscape. This year's edition emphasizes the surge of data-focused innovations and products with open architectures for seamless data exchange and micro-applications embedded in diverse tech stacks. As data, often dubbed "the new oil", becomes pivotal for hotels to refine brand identities and the struggle to offer hyper-personalized services, it also plays a critical role in managing labor and energy resources efficiently. The publication provides essential insights and recommendations into harnessing data for superior service delivery, agile resource optimization, robust data security, and crafting extraordinary guest experiences.