Woody Wade

Author of “See Your New Normal”


Woody Wade is a specialist in scenario planning for the hospitality industry, helping companies identify and understand the trends that have the potential to change their future business landscape and thus affect their future competitiveness. He is the author of “Scenario Planning: A Field Guide to the Future” (Wiley, 2012) and of the forthcoming “Hotel Yearbook 2036” which provocatively uses fiction as a framework for exploring the industry’s very different competitive landscape two decades from now. Woody was previously an Executive Board member of the Geneva-based World Economic Forum, the foundation organizing the annual meeting of world leaders in Davos. He was also the Marketing Director of the Ecole hôtelière de Lausanne. He graduated in history from Indiana University and has an MBA from Harvard Business School.

Chemin du Grabe 28
Grandvaux, 1091
Phone: +41 21 784 3303


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