Dr. Yong Chen
Ph.D., Associate Professor at EHL Hospitality Business School
Yong Chen, Ph.D., an Associate Professor at EHL Hospitality Business School, Switzerland, where he lectures in marketing and economics of tourism and hospitality. His research interests include tourist happiness, tourism demand, economic impacts of tourism and hospitality, the sharing economy, and Chinese outbound tourism. Dr. Chen's research has been published in diverse outlets, including Tourism Management, the Journal of Travel Research, and the International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management. His opinions on the sharing economy, Chinese tourism demand and the hotel industry also appeared in CNN, MarketWatch, South China Morning Post, and EHL Hospitality Insights. He is also a Research Fellow at Lausanne Hospitality Research Center of EHL, where he shepherded the research project of Swiss Tourist Happiness Index funded by the University of Applied Sciences Western Switzerland (HES-SO).
Lausanne, 1000
Phone: 41 21 785 1111