Anna Sophia Stimpfl
Final-year student at EHL (2021)
Anna Sophia Stimpfl is a final-year student at EHL, eager to pursue a career in hospitality technology upon graduation. Her excitement in the field arose from research conducted during her studies. As the transformation is being made away from a traditional to a more digitalized guest experience, her focus is on the creation of a greatly enhanced customer-centric experience. Stimpfl’s practical insights into the hospitality industry were gained through internships, most recently at Marriott's Southeast Asian Headquarters in Singapore. At EHL, she was accepted into its internal consulting organization "Junior Enterprise", where her leadership qualities, performance-oriented personality, and high-level motivation led her to being given the role of project manager. Growing up in South Tyrol, Italy at the crossroads of two cultures, she sees multi-culturalism as a major plus for organizations.
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Phone: 41 21 785 1111