Juliette Van Vleck

Student at Boston University

Van Vleck

Juliette Van Vleck is an undergraduate senior at Boston University pursuing a degree in Environmental Analysis & Policy and Hospitality Administration. On campus, Juliette is the Managing Editor of the Emerald Review, a student-run publication covering topics related to environmental science and climate action. Juliette recently published work in the Boston Hospitality Review on “How to Avoid Sustainability Marketing Myopia” and is currently researching medical preparedness for climate change in conjunction with the BU School of Public Health. She started her career with Marriott’s sustainability team and most recently worked at Oceanic Global as a ‘Blue’ Consultant—expanding her education on single-use plastic alternatives and effective waste management practices.

808 Commonwealth Avenue
Room 230
Boston, MA 02215
United States
Phone: +1 (617) 353-3261


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