Wei Wei

Associate Professor, University of Central Florida


Dr. Wei Wei is an Associate Professor at the Rosen College of Hospitality Management, University of Central Florida (UCF). She has taught a variety of undergraduate and graduate courses, including Introduction to Hospitality and Tourism Industry, Hospitality Human Resources Management, Destination Marketing and Management, Critical Issues in Hospitality Human Resources, and Tourism Management. As a commanding endorsement of her mentoring and teaching, Dr. Wei received University-level excellence awards for both undergraduate and graduate teaching. Her research interests include consumer behavior/psychology, emerging technologies, and critical issues in HR. She has over 170 publications in journals, books, conferences, and magazines. Dr. Wei has received Excellence in Research Award and Research Incentive Award from UCF, as well as Best Paper Awards by both international conferences and premium journals. She serves as an Associate Editor for Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research. She is also an Editorial Board Member for 4 journals, a reviewer for 24 recognizable journals, and a guest editor for 2 journals. Dr. Wei received her Ph.D. degree and Master's degree in Hospitality and Tourism Management from Purdue University, U.S.A. She also received her Bachelor of Science degree in Tourism Management from Northwest University, China.

9907 Universal Blvd
Orlando, FL 32819
United States
Phone: 407.903.8000


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