Hospitality Net's Behind the Quote (BTQ) initiative aims to provide deeper insights and a more comprehensive understanding of selected stories published on Hospitality Net.

This time, Willy Legrand had the opportunity of diving deeper into a recent press release by BeCause: 'BeCause and d2o Team Up to Create First-of-its-Kind CSRD Solution for Travel and Hospitality'. Willy posed three insightful questions to Frederik Steensgaard, CEO & Cofounder, BeCause who provided expert responses.

Willy  Legrand
Willy Legrand — IU International University of Applied Sciences

What are concrete example of key hotel sustainability metrics that are important for CSRD reporting that the integration of PMI GoGreen tools into the BeCause platform will facilitate?

Frederik Steensgaard — BeCause

As hospitality and hotel brands strive to meet Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) requirements and compliance, the integration of PMI GoGreen tools into the BeCause platform will facilitate the tracking and reporting of several key hotel sustainability metrics. These include: 

  • Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions
  • Fuel consumption from renewable sources
  • Purchased electricity, heat, steam and cooling consumption from renewable sources
  • Generated waste
  • Renewable energy consumption
  • Number of employees
  • Employee turnover
  • Sick leaves
  • Total revenue 
Willy  Legrand
Willy Legrand — IU International University of Applied Sciences

Does the integration of the PMI GoGreen tools into the BeCause platform allows for performance benchmarking across various hotel chains or specific competitive set? If not, is this a potential feature moving forward?

Frederik Steensgaard — BeCause

The integration of PMI GoGreen tools into the BeCause platform is indeed designed to enable performance benchmarking across various hotel chains or specific competitive sets. Initially, this will require the aggregation of data from more than 1000 hotels to ensure a comprehensive and reliable benchmarking process. 

Willy  Legrand
Willy Legrand — IU International University of Applied Sciences

How is the 12-15% resource savings projected for hotels determined, and are these savings consistent across locations and hotel sizes?

Frederik Steensgaard — BeCause

PMI GoGreen clients save an average of 12-15% of their resources by proactively managing them based on hotel activities. This industry game-changer shifts from lagging to leading indicators, allowing hotels to monitor and correct behaviors, leading to significant resource and cost savings. 

To ensure hotels achieve great results with PMI GoGreen, two crucial pillars must be considered: 

A) Global Goal Setting:

  • Smart Distribution: Setting and distributing global goals from the top down is key to success. Hotel groups can align their goals with frameworks like the Paris Accord or Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTis). PMI GoGreen helps distribute these goals across hotels based on type, energy ratings, and other relevant characteristics.
  • Customized Bandwidths: Hotels that are already energy-efficient will have narrower bandwidths for further savings, while others may present greater opportunities for behavioral changes and savings. 

B) Team Tactics and Behavioral Changes:

  • Team Involvement: Engage and align your team with global goals and daily property activities. Proactive daily management of resources enables hotel teams to monitor, act, and correct resource-saving strategies.
  • Ideas and Task Bank: Our platform supports this with a bank of ideas and tasks that prompt contextually relevant actions for continuous improvement. This ideas bank is shared across our user base, fostering a community of best practices and knowledge sharing among sustainability practitioners and department heads. 

In conclusion, the projected 12-15% resource savings are based on proactive, context-driven management tailored to each hotel's specific characteristics and goals, ensuring consistent and significant results across various locations and hotel sizes. 
