AH&LA Radio | Audio Interview W/ Diana S. Barber, Founder And President Of Lodgelaw, A Division Of Barber Law Associates - Helping Hospitality Operators Build A Wall Of Defense Around Their Hotels And Motels
Attorney, writer, teacher and lecturer Diana S. Barber, founder and president of LodgeLaw, a Division of Barber Law Associates, joins us on AHLA Radio to discuss some of the current legal issues hoteliers are facing today. Legal problems are just around the corner. Listen in to this streaming audio interview to learn some of the techniques hoteliers can take advantage of to stay out of legal trouble. (Interview produced for AH&LA | Click here for more interviews.
This article contains general information. It is not designed to be and should not be relied on as your sole source of information when analyzing and resolving a specific legal issue. Each fact situation is different; the laws are constantly changing. If you have specific questions regarding a particular fact situation, we urge you to consult with competent legal counsel.