W.T.A.C.H. is the only global organisation focused on how tourism impacts both sides of the sustainability equation: people and the environment. Our mission and objective is to create sustainable livelihoods through the development of Cultural Heritage Tourism balanced by preservation and impact management of the environment.
In September 2023 the World Tourism Association for Culture and Heritage will host the inaugural W.T.A.C.H. Global Leaders' Summit (WTACH GLS23), a one and a half day event in Valencia, Spain convening public and private sector stakeholders to address issues of critical importance about the future of cultural tourism and the communities living in, around, and within global heritage sites.
W.T.A.C.H. is calling on leaders in their respective fields and individuals in positions to effect change within their organisations and externally to join us in Valencia for the WTACH GLS23 Economically advanced global societies are turning their collective attention to the crucial problems facing our environment, yet many of those who live in poverty need to take more from the earth than they can give back. It is with the aligned efforts of the travel and tourism industry, policymakers, and financial inventor stakeholders in attendance at the summit in September that we can begin to improve the lives, livelihood, and wellbeing of local communities and custodians though better tourism planning and design.
How the WTACH GLS23 is DifferentHow the WTACH GLS23 differs from all other industry events:
- The WTACH GLS23 is a working meeting - not an event where the industry gathers to receive information but convenes to engage in discussion to find solutions.
- It is succinct and issue focused - just one day and a half.
- It will present a specific agenda and will establish measurable results.
- Accountable - future Summits will have a report card on the progress made from the year before.