What are the different types of hotel guests?

Understanding the diverse types of hotel guests is crucial for hoteliers aiming to provide exceptional service and create memorable experiences. Guests come from a myriad of backgrounds, each with unique needs, preferences, and expectations.

Whether they’re travelling for business or leisure, seeking luxury or travelling on a budget, each guest represents a unique opportunity to deliver tailored services and experiences.

While there are hundreds of different reasons to travel, most of your guests will fall into just a few categories, including:

  • Business travellers
  • Leisure travellers
  • Families
  • Luxury travellers
  • Budget travellers
  • Gen Z
  • Millennials
  • Baby Boomers

Table of contents

  • 1. What are the different types of hotel guests?
    • 1.1. Hotel guests by travel reason
    • 1.2. Hotel guests by age
  • 2. The importance of catering to the needs of hotel guests
  • 3. How to identify the types of hotel guests and meet their needs
    • 3.1. 1. Embrace Voice Search and Mobile Booking
    • 3.2. 2. Prioritise Peer-to-Peer Reviews
    • 3.3. 3. Offer Relaxation Opportunities
    • 3.4. 4. Provide Free WiFi
    • 3.5. 5. Personalise the Guest Experience
    • 3.6. 6. Offer Digital Amenities
    • 3.7. 7. Encourage Social Sharing
  • 4. How to handle different types of guests
    • 4.1. Tips to provide exceptional experiences for hotel guests
  • 5. Enhance guest experience and increase hotel revenue with SiteMinder

Hotel guests by travel reason

The reason for travel is one of the most common and easiest ways of grouping guests together.

Business travellers

Business travellers are individuals who journey across cities, countries, and continents for professional reasons. This could range from attending corporate events, trade exhibitions, and conferences, to exploring new investment opportunities or strengthening customer relationships.

These individuals, often representing their organisations, are a vital segment in the hotel industry. They value efficiency and convenience, such as swift check-in and check-out processes, reliable Wi-Fi, and flexible dining options.

Personalisation plays a significant role in meeting their needs. For example, offering a tranquil room equipped with a comfortable workspace can enhance their productivity and overall stay.

Leisure travellers

Leisure travellers are those who take a break from their daily routine to indulge in a vacation. These trips are typically marked by stays in comfortable hotels or resorts, beach relaxation, sightseeing, and exploring local tourist attractions. Leisure travellers are often in search of relaxation and entertainment.

They value amenities such as swimming pools, spa facilities, and local tour arrangements. Providing personalised experiences, like customised travel itineraries or unique dining experiences, can enrich their stay and prompt them to return.


Family travellers focus on sharing and engaging with others, usually travelling in family groups, sometimes with friends or multiple families as well. While they have high to medium income they put a lot of faith in word of mouth and recommendations from other travellers. They tend to fall in the 25-49 age group.

Families require spacious rooms and family-friendly amenities. Providing services such as babysitting, kid-friendly menus, and entertainment can make their stay more comfortable and enjoyable. Remember to personalise their stay by preparing their room according to the age and interests of the children.

Luxury travellers

Luxury travellers are focused on enjoyment and willing to spend more to obtain it. They often travel as a couple aged 25-49. They seek cities that are hot and coastal and tend to look closely at online reviews.

Luxury travellers expect high-end amenities and exceptional service. They appreciate personalised services, such as private check-in and check-out, personal butler service, and customised dining experiences. Paying attention to small details, such as their preferred room temperature or favourite newspaper, can make their stay memorable.

Budget travellers

Budget travellers want to get the best out of their trip. Often travelling with young children, they have a medium income and largely fall between the ages of 25-34. They rely heavily on reviews to help them find what they need, preferably a trip near the beach, and usually research on a smartphone.

They often look for simplicity and convenience by travelling to the same destinations repeatedly. They also place more stock in relaxation than activities and are commonly in the 35-64 age bracket.

Budget travellers are price-sensitive and value for money is their top priority. They appreciate affordable rates, clean rooms, and basic amenities. Offering discounts on extended stays or value-added packages can attract this segment.

Hotel guests by age

Age is another useful way to segment your hotel guests, since people around the same age might commonly have the same preferences and behaviours.

Gen Z (up to 24 years old)

Gen Z travellers like to have a lot of control over their trip and thus love to travel solo, looking for adventure and cultural experience over any particular climate. They’re usually low or high earners who are relatively young and quite likely to share reviews and engage with social media.

Gen Z travellers are tech-savvy and socially conscious. They appreciate tech-friendly amenities, sustainable practices, and social spaces. Offering a strong Wi-Fi connection, eco-friendly amenities, and communal spaces can attract this segment. An excellent online booking experience is also expected, so ensure that your website is up to scratch.

Millennials (27 to 42 years old)

Millennials value experiences and technology. They appreciate modern design, unique experiences, and tech-friendly amenities. Offering online check-in and check-out, mobile room keys, and a strong online presence can attract this segment.

Baby Boomers (57 to 75 years old)

The famed Baby Boomer generation, born between 1946 and 1964, are becoming increasingly active as they head toward their retirement years.

Many of them use their disposable income in order to spend big on luxury trips — both internationally and domestically. These holidays might include lengthy stays in cultural destinations and luxury cruise trips that last for several weeks.

Baby boomers value comfort and convenience. They appreciate traditional hospitality, comfortable rooms, and accessible facilities. Offering personalised services, such as assistance with luggage or transportation arrangements, can enhance their stay.

Insight Into the Different Types of Hotel Guests— Source: SiteMinder
Insight Into the Different Types of Hotel Guests— Source: SiteMinder

The importance of catering to the needs of hotel guests

Catering to the needs of different types of hotel guests is crucial for enhancing the guest experience and driving growth in your hotel business.

By understanding the unique needs and preferences of each guest segment, you can tailor your services, amenities, and experiences to meet their expectations. This not only improves guest satisfaction and loyalty but also increases your hotel’s revenue.

How to identify the types of hotel guests and meet their needs

In today’s digital age, understanding the behaviour and preferences of hotel guests is crucial for hoteliers looking to enhance their guest experience and increase bookings. Here are seven key insights into how global travellers make purchase decisions and how you can tailor your services to meet their needs.

1. Embrace Voice Search and Mobile Booking

With 47% of travellers using voice search when researching a trip and 33% booking their trip on a mobile device, it’s clear that voice search and mobile booking are becoming increasingly popular. Ensure your hotel’s online presence is optimised for voice search and that your booking process is mobile-friendly to cater to these guests.

2. Prioritise Peer-to-Peer Reviews

A staggering 81% of travellers use peer-to-peer reviews when deciding on a hotel. Encourage your guests to leave reviews and respond promptly and professionally to all feedback, both positive and negative. This not only helps to improve your services but also builds trust with potential guests.

3. Offer Relaxation Opportunities

With 80% of travellers stating the importance of relaxation on a trip, consider offering amenities and services that promote relaxation, such as spa services, comfortable lounges, or quiet reading areas.

4. Provide Free WiFi

In today’s connected world, offering free WiFi is a must. Hotels that charge for WiFi are avoided by 61% of travellers. Providing free, reliable WiFi can significantly enhance the guest experience and increase your hotel’s appeal.

5. Personalise the Guest Experience

More than 30% of customers express dissatisfaction when companies fail to remember their travel preferences. Utilise guest data to personalise the guest experience, from remembering their preferred room type to tailoring your communication to their needs.

6. Offer Digital Amenities

Digital amenities are becoming increasingly important for travellers. 71% of business travellers appreciate digital boarding passes, and half want concierge services via their smartphone. Consider offering digital amenities to cater to these needs.

7. Encourage Social Sharing

With 42% of travellers believing it’s important to share travel experiences on social media, consider offering incentives for guests to share their experiences at your hotel on their social media platforms. This not only enhances the guest experience but also serves as free marketing for your hotel.

By understanding these trends and adapting your services accordingly, you can better identify the types of hotel market segments and meet their needs, ultimately enhancing the guest experience and increasing your hotel’s appeal.

How to handle different types of guests

Handling different types of guests requires a personalised approach. By understanding the unique needs and preferences of each guest segment in both qualitative and quantitative terms, you can tailor your communication, services, and experiences to meet their expectations.

This not only enhances the guest experience but also builds strong relationships with your guests.

Tips to provide exceptional experiences for hotel guests

  • Personalise for each guest: Personalisation is key to enhancing the guest experience. From personalised welcome messages to customised room settings, small gestures can make a big difference.
  • Efficient check-in process: An efficient check-in process can set the tone for a pleasant stay. Offering online check-in and mobile room keys can enhance the guest experience.
  • Pay attention to small details: Small details, such as remembering a guest’s favourite newspaper or preferred room temperature, can make a guest feel valued and appreciated.
  • Create memorable experiences: Creating memorable experiences, such as unique dining experiences or personalised travel itineraries, can enhance the guest experience and encourage repeat visits.
  • Use hotel management systems: Leveraging hotel management systems, such as SiteMinder, can help you manage guest data, personalise guest experiences, and streamline operations.

By understanding the different types of guests in hotels and tailoring your services accordingly, you can enhance the guest experience, increase guest satisfaction and loyalty, and drive growth in your hotel business.

Enhance guest experience and increase hotel revenue with SiteMinder

In the dynamic world of hospitality, delivering exceptional guest experiences while maximising revenue can be a challenging task. SiteMinder, a leading provider of hotel management solutions, is here to transform that challenge into an opportunity.

Designed with the specific needs of hotel owners and operators in mind, SiteMinder is ideal for those managing medium- to large-sized hotels.

SiteMinder offers a suite of features designed to streamline operations, enhance guest experiences, and drive revenue growth. Whether you’re managing a single hotel, a hotel group or a large chain, SiteMinder gives you a single place to manage everything — with access to real-time insights, bookings, guests, distribution, and payments.

Here are just a few ways SiteMinder can revolutionise your hotel management:

  • Grow your business without the hassle: SiteMinder’s platform is designed to simplify and optimise your hotel operations, freeing up your time to focus on delivering exceptional guest experiences.
  • Smart insights, smarter business: With SiteMinder, you gain access to real-time insights that enable you to make data-driven decisions, optimise your pricing strategy, and maximise your revenue.
  • Be seen by global guests: SiteMinder’s comprehensive distribution network allows you to reach a global audience, increasing your visibility and boosting your bookings.
Fulfil your property's potential with the world's morst powerful hotel commerce platform— Source: SiteMinder
Fulfil your property's potential with the world's morst powerful hotel commerce platform— Source: SiteMinder

About SiteMinder

SiteMinder Limited (ASX:SDR) is the name behind SiteMinder, the only software platform that unlocks the full revenue potential of hotels, and Little Hotelier, an all-in-one hotel management software that makes the lives of small accommodation providers easier. The global company is headquartered in Sydney with offices in Bangalore, Bangkok, Barcelona, Berlin, Dallas, Galway, London and Manila. Through its technology and the largest partner ecosystem in the global hotel industry, SiteMinder generates more than 120 million reservations worth over US$50 billion in revenue for its hotel customers each year. For more information, visit siteminder.com.

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