
60% of travellers are looking forward to meeting new people while on vacation. The pandemic has forced us to focus on what and who is a priority in our lives - and freedom has never been so valued. Now that we are able to get back to travel once again, 2022 will not only see people reconnecting with friends and family, but also seeking new connections with 60% wanting to meet new people while away. A resurgence of vacation romances is also likely, with 50% hoping for one on their next trip, and thanks to video calls becoming part of our everyday lives, we expect to see more than a few of these romances continue when travellers return home.

The anticipation of the journey will be as exciting as the destination.

75% of travellers find that the journey to a destination is more enjoyable when it feels like part of the trip itself.

The journey to a destination is one part of a trip that many of us often see as a necessity, rather than something to really savor and enjoy. But as trips have been few and far between for the past year and a half, the journey may actually be something that more of us are looking forward to than ever before in 2022.

Vacation time will be strictly work-free.

73% of travellers say vacation time will be strictly work-free in the future

When the pandemic hit, homes across the globe became our offices too, and the novelty of working remotely was realised. However, in 2022 we’ll see a significant rise in people wanting to firmly re-establish a healthy work-life balance with 73% agreeing that their vacation time will be strictly work-free in the future. Planning a trip to switch off from work? Select your trip type below and copy and paste one of our Out of (Home) Office templates to let your colleagues know you’re logging off!

Travel will become an essential form of self-care

79% of travellers agree that travel helps their mental and emotional wellbeing more than other forms of self-care.

Move over yoga and mindful meditation, travel is set to become the self-care trend for 2022, with people not only valuing the opportunity to switch off more than ever before but also using their time spent traveling to fully immerse themselves in new places and cultures. Whether it's spending time with family and friends, hearing new languages, or trying new food, travel will look different for everyone - what does it look like for you?

Authentic connection with the local community will be a priority

58% of travellers agree it’s important that their trip is beneficial to the local community at their destination

During the pandemic, people were forced to make the most of what they had close to home. People have become more engaged with the community by supporting local businesses, and now travellers are looking to embrace this same community feeling through their vacations too. 58% of people agree that it’s important that their trip is beneficial to the local community. While 29% are going to do more research into how their tourism spend will affect or improve local communities.

People will be saying YES to travel, making up for lost vacation time

61% of travellers are now more open to different types of vacations.

After so long of sacrificing socializing, traveling, and fun, travellers will embrace a new, more positive, way of thinking for 2022 as the number of people who feel they need to make up for lost vacation time has grown from 42% to 63%. With any and all travel plans being put on hold due to the pandemic, 2022 will be the year of simply saying yes, with 72% agreeing they'd say "yes" to any vacation so long as their budget allowed.

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