Dubai - UAE -- DDIA has announced today the launch of the HYDROPOLIS Hotel Project, the world's first underwater ultra luxury resort hotel, where an habitat of 107,700 m2 will materialise for the first time world wide which sets completely new standards with respect to the quality of experience and living.

The Hydropolis will provide an ambiance in the last uninhabited frontiers on earth in which a visit will be an unforgettable experience in the life of each individual guest. The distinctiveness of this unique hotel resort results from the harmonic interaction of the exceptional site as well as to the holistic architectural and atmospheric composition corresponding to the site. This creates a spatial effect, which detaches the guest from the routine of his daily structures of perception and evokes unaccustomed sensual impressions.

Hydropolis is a splendid refuge far away from the stress factors of everyday business life and is ideally suited for guests from top management seeking to regenerate their inner strength and also guests who are seeking a new experience and adventures.

Hydroplois is structured in three elements: the land station, the connecting tunnel, and the submarine complex. The land station is the reception and welcome center for the hotel's guests. The connecting tunnel is the lifeline of the complex and not only provides access for guests, but also enables provisioning of the hotel with all the necessary goods. And finally, the submarine complex is the hotel itself with its wide range of unique additional facilities.

Elementary Experience of "presence" in an Augmented Reality

Hydropolis imparts a unique impression of distinctiveness and exclusivity; an attraction that does not diminish after a first phase of curiosity. Guests from all over the world and from all cultures will be attracted by a multitude of offers, which simultaneously address "Mind, Body and Soul" in an unparalleled manner.

Hydropolis will also offer experiences, adventures, and impressions on all levels of human perception, which in this combination have a sustained effect on thinking and sensation. All imaginable requirements regarding luxury and service will be fulfilled as a matter of course.

At the same time, guests undergo a process in which material needs and apparent dependencies become less dominant as the guest comes into contact with the elementary richness of "presence" and sensation. All features in the artificial reality of Hydropolis are guided by the consideration of how they will support the path to inner tranquility and strength.

The Land Station

The land station is the stage for the arrival and descent into the underwater world, and, respectively, the return to land. A characteristic feature is a woven, dynamically narrowing and expanding semicircular cylinder over a length of about 120m, which arches over a multi-storied building and an ample shadowed area.

Visitors and guests will be welcomed and received through a large gate-like opening in the form of semicircle with a diameter of over 35m. A bridge over the desert sand leads to the "island", which offers facilities for the most diverse of functions.

As guests of Hydropolis enter the welcome lounge they catch a first glimpse of the silhouette of the underwater construction; on the lowest level of the multi-storied building they then access the cabin of the noiseless transport system. Guests requiring special privacy and security can access the embarkation facility by means of a spacious ramp.

The upper stories provide space for other important facilities such as a cosmetic surgical clinic and a marine biological research laboratory. This is also the location of the business center with conference facilities - its situation here avoids potential hustle and bustle, which might disrupt the calm and relaxing atmosphere preferred by the hotel guests. This is also the location of the hotel's management and administration offices.

Also situated on the lower levels of this site are the staff rooms, goods storage and loading, important technical centers securing the maintenance and logistics of the underwater hotel, as well as parking areas for guests, visitors, and staff.

A special highlight for visitors at this location is a restaurant and a high-tech cinema in which the history of underwater architecture as well as the evolution of life in the ocean will be shown. A viewing platform at the front opening of the spanning roof structures allows stunning views by day and night of the architecture and the light shows of Hydropolis.

Tunnel connectionConnection system

All transports - guests, visitors, staff and goods will be facilitated by a single, highly efficient and safe train system. There will be a station in the landside building and a station in the underwater hotel - connected by a double track tunnel.

There will be different types of cars for different kinds of persons to be transported. Hotel guests and visitors will be transferred by a separate type of car, specially fitted with a high-spec interior. Staff and goods will be transferred with a second type of car, which allows to load palettes, which will be pre-packed in the logistics center on land to minimize waiting time and storage space in the hotel. A just-in-time and on-demand logistical system will facilitate efficient supply and disposal of the hotel.

The Ballroom

The Ballroom is situated in the most public area of the hotel. This will allow the realization of events in which visitors who are not also hotel guests can participate. Aside from the spa, this large domed room is the only one which in addition to its reference to water also strives towards the sky.

On beautiful nights, a large petal-like skylight can be opened (even at high exterior temperatures the cool air will remain within the volume). Thus, sound and light from outside can be experienced.

A further unique characteristic of the ballroom is the panorama window to the underwater stage which allows for special performances and also constantly visualizes the underwater experience. In addition, this area has a further large 'eye' to the central hall which can be opened for suitable events.

Amply dimensioned staircases, elevators, and ramps, provide access to the ballroom which is ideally suited for banquets, theater performances, or large congresses. Amply dimensioned flanking catering areas insure that even the highest catering requirements can be fulfilled.

An elaborate acoustic system provides ideal conditions for any variety of events. This also applies to the lighting.

Smaller scale lounge-like areas are allocated to the ballroom; various bar areas in the hall, above the domed construction, and on the beach can be accessed from there.

The Spa (6.700m2)

The spa area imparts the breathtaking and ample atmosphere of a Roman thermae. This area will provide new wellness methods and facilities especially developed for Hydropolis - these therefore will be unique worldwide.

The health areas will be supplemented and enhanced by methods of hydrotherapy, i.e. healing with and through water. High quality compounds made based on special ocean pharmacy will be used in the beauty areas.

The individual beauty and health areas are arranged as galleries which project far out of the domed area out over the surface of the water. The liquid-sound-pool is situated in the center, from which guests can enjoy not only the panorama view, but also the projections onto the calotte-shaped overhead structure. The pool is surrounded by sculptured objects of crystal glass which create spectacular visual impressions.

The interior of the spa area has ramp-like gangways which connect to the overhead outdoor area including beach locations. Sail constructions provide shade on the beach which is also cooled by clouds of fog; these are also a visible landmark from a distance and will be illuminated by colorful projections at night.

The Hall

The hall is the backbone of the entire facility - the central area of encounters, of orientation, and circulation. It represents the visible and feasible connection between the sky, the water, and the earth. Day and night moods can be experienced here.

This space is characterized by its impressive height, the mild penetration of light through the membrane of the roof, and the powerful dynamic of the skeletal stone structures straining against the water - the latter also form the roof structure.

Galleries and pathways with bridges and water tubes apparently intersecting at random animate the space.

Amply dimensioned staircases, elevators, ramps, and lounges provide access to an apparently floating ballroom. A multi-storey narrow slit the intersection of the "eight" allows the anticipation of the fascinating spa-dome in the background.

Water basins and fountains are integrated into the floor area. A two-layered glass construction with kinetic lighting elements facilitates alternating projections of arabesque ornaments and gives this space the impression of an indefinable depth.

At night, alternating motives will be projected onto the roof membrane which can be perceived not only from the inside, but also from quit some distance on the outside.

In the direction of the spa, the floor level gradually ascends and thus effects a tapering off perspective.

Restaurants, Bars and Shops (24.000m2)

The culinary experience has a direct connotation with the Hydropolis experience. Not only the range of food and beverages corresponds to a great extent to the subject of water and the all-embracing concept of mental, physical, and spiritual relaxation, but also the moulding of the architectural hull as well as the interior architecture.

Three restaurants, each with 150 seats, provide a harmonic diversity of culinary theme worlds: the Oriental flair of the Lebanese kitchen, the diversity and lightness of maritime delicacies, and ayurvedic life which addresses all senses.

The Nautilus bar arouses reminiscences of Jules Vernes' vision of life in the deep sea, the Havana bar with its exquisite cigars and fragrances of water pipes and heavy leather armchairs is situated close to the water line, the Sky bar permits a view not only into the depth of the Hydropolis organism, but also of the breathtaking skylines of Dubai and Palm Island.

Another attraction of Hydropolis are the exclusive shops in the central hall. Most of the items for sale have a direct reference to the subjects of the flora and fauna of the ocean: jewellery, beauty and health products, fashion.

Concert and Culture

Hydropolis will be a synonym for concerts and cultural events of the highest level in Dubai. Famous festivals will make both the venue of the events as well as Dubai as a whole more known.

Art will be an integral component of the external and internal design. This applies both to the permanent fittings as well as the usage of this unique ambience for temporary installations.

It is intended to address the growing group of people who integrate the cultural component into their leisure activities, who can afford to travel around the world to visit an exhibition, to listen to a concert, or to have the opportunity of meeting with artists.

Hydropolis guests and visitors can watch concerts and theatre productions featuring famous soloists and ensembles from the arena steps which are upholstered with comfortable cushions. Indoor concerts can simultaneously take place in the ballroom.

The ballroom can be opened towards the hall for matinees and thus be utilised as a stage.

And underwater museum area provides the unique opportunity for high-level artistic events in Dubai; this will also support the perception of Dubai as a first-class cultural venue. A world-famous arts foundation could take over the trustee function for this underwater museum.

The Suites (14.500m2)

The heart of well-feeling in the underwater world area, about 14.500 m2 and with a capacity of 220, the suites. Here, for a few days, guests can literally experience diving into another world, the life elexir of water, an element with which we are both familiar with but also strangers to. Far away from the world of the right angle, dominated by an atmosphere of absolute lightness of colors and materials, light which adjusts itself to the moods and the time of day.

The interior architecture stages the view into sunken garden landscapes and a sunken city - both by day and night the contours and the lights of facing dynamic building structures can only just be diffusely made out. Light objects, and their slow, wavy movement impressions have both a fascinating and soothing effect.

For people still needing to feel comfortable with living underwater, there are sweets adjoining the hall with windows opening onto the familiar world of a "street", with daylight and the generous proportions of a multi-storied complex.

Individual and external "ocean-villas" in the upper area of the exterior ring have been implemented as pressure-resistant "bubbles"; theme-suites in the elliptical island provides a number of varying spatial experiences.

Theme Pavilions and Pathway

The circular exterior will have the glass skylight just under the surface of water. This strip serves as a circular pathway which will be just above the water level at low tide.

The thoroughfare connects floating theme pavilions which are located at a secure distance of about 70 m from the stairways. The themes for these pavilions are: silentium, e-library, Nautilus docking station, bar, water pipe smoking room, women's leisure room. Here there is also adequate space for contemplative prayer room facing east.


Security plays a central role both for the concept and the operation of the entire facility. This primarily concerns the subjective feeling of security and this depends mainly on whether the guest expose themselves to the thrill of this experience and whether the dream of living and experiencing under water overrides potential inhibitions. There is an excellent system of easy to understand emergency exits in the event of evacuation for safety reasons, highly effective control and fire fighting systems in case of fire and smoke to minimize danger and damage.

A further security aspect makes Hydropolis to a unique location worldwide: both with respect to discretion as well as optimally controllable accessibility, Hydropolis will be a desirable location for people requiring protection. The multilevel security system includes: protection from aerial threats by aircrafts or missiles, protection from threats from water surface or from underwater, protection from unauthorized access, control and monitoring of access of personnel, hotel guests, day visitors, banquette guests, membership guests, suppliers, maintenance and service personnel.. etc, monitoring and control of parking facilities and last but not least, monitoring and control of the premises.

The Dubai Development and Investment Authority has been developing various projects over the past year, and is currently in the final stages of developing exciting and lucrative concepts. The HYDROPOLIS Hotel is the authority's Leading Project and the first step in establishing Dubai as the premier destination for leisure and extraordinary experiences.