As internet job boards become increasingly popular, employment portals are looking to offer more than just job postings and a resume database. The best job boards incorporate value added services that benefit both the job seeker and the employer. These features can include compensation data, skills assessments, industry specific articles, and a host of other relevant career resources. Becoming more of a "one-stop-shop" for career information encourages all parties to visit regularly. In turn, an industry specific community is created.

Compensation data is always a hot topic. Employees are always wondering how their salaries compare with their peers. Employers want to make sure that they are staying competitive, and as importantly creative, with their compensation plans. The better job boards offer general compensation tables that are garnered from industry specialists. This data is segmented in a multitude of ways, ex: job title and property size, location or type. You can go to for an example. Cost of living comparisons are also offered, as they are factor in a candidate's total compensation package. Relocation calculators, while a great idea, are not always accurate. These tools typically provide an aggregate of a specific zip code, or city. If you keep in mind that NYC real estate values can vary by hundreds of thousands of dollars from block to block, you can see how this data can get skewed depending on the region. If you are considering a move, it's best to take a hard look a real estate values in the areas you are most likely to live.

Online assessments are a great tool for both the job seeker and the employer, especially if they are industry specific. For the candidate it offers the ability to identify what their core strengths are, and they can then leverage that information when selling themselves to an employer. They can also see areas where they may need improvement. If their leadership skills need polishing, they can brush up with a training course. For an employer, they can use a candidate's assessment results as another level in the screening process. Many qualified candidates may have the appropriate skill set for a certain position. The assessment can help narrow the pool of talent down to those individuals who personal characteristics are most closely aligned with the employer's corporate culture.

Industry specific articles are another resource that job board visitors are seeking. Job seekers are always looking to better their chances with potential employers. Whether it's assistance in creating a powerful resume, advice on how to conduct oneself in an interview, or how to ask for that next raise, the more relevant content available the better. Best-practice companies will constantly seek new and better ways to attract and retain talent. Topics of particular interest can include articles about efficient database searching, identifying passive candidates, and designing attractive job postings.

There are plenty of other resources available at the leading job boards to take advantage of with new features arriving all the time. has most recently launched a feature where members can hook up directly with each other based upon similar skills and interests. These days you don't have to be looking for a new job, or be searching for talent, to visit a recruitment website.

Doug Rosen is Vice President of, the online recruiting division of HVS Executive Search. is an internet recruiting solution, designed to help companies within the hospitality industry find talent. also powers the job boards of organizations such as The Leading Hotels of the World and The Hotel Association of Canada. Mr. Rosen has written several articles about online recruitment, and also runs HVS's leadership and employment assessment,

HVS International is a hospitality services firm providing industry skill and knowledge worldwide. The organization and its specialists possess a wide range of expertise and offer market feasibility studies, valuations, strategic analyses, development planning, and litigation support. Additionally, HVS International supplies unique knowledge in the areas of executive search, investment banking, environmental sustainability, timeshare consulting, food and beverage operations, interior design, gaming, technology strategies, organizational assessments, operational management, strategy development, convention facilities consulting, marketing communications, property tax appeals and investment consulting. Since 1980, HVS International has provided hospitality services to more than 10,000 hotels throughout the world. Principals and associates of the firm have authored textbooks and thousands of articles regarding all aspects of the hospitality industry. Click here for more...