Euronews Exclusive Poll: Many Europeans Support Vaccine Passports But Are Divided Over Travelling
Lyon, France - Euronews, Europe's leading international news channel who recently launched Euronews Travel, has released results from an exclusive poll conducted by Redfield & Wilton Strategies for Euronews in Germany, France, Italy and Great Britain, looking at Europeans' attitudes towards travel and vaccine passports:
- A large proportion of respondents across the board support or strongly support the introduction of the so-called vaccine passports: 53% in Germany, 65% in Italy and 69% in Great Britain, with a smaller proportion in France (39%)
- Those who oppose or strongly oppose the measure are in the minority: 25% in Germany, 32% in France, 19% in Italy and 12% in Great Britain.
- Around a fifth of respondents neither support nor oppose the initiative.
- 55% in Germany, 63% in Italy and 69% in Great Britain say they would be willing to carry this vaccine passport for "all circumstances".
The French are more divided: 31% would carry the certificate for all circumstances, 31% only for international travel and 38% would not carry the passport at all.
- Britons support or strongly support restricting travel abroad only to those who have been vaccinated against the virus (69%); a support which drops to 35% in Germany, 42% in France and 40% in Italy.
- Four in ten participants in Germany, France, Italy and Great Britain say they do not intend to travel anywhere for holiday this year (46%, 43%, 39% and 46%, respectively).
- When they do intend to travel, the results paint a mixed picture:
French and Italian respondents prefer to travel domestically (27% and 39%, respectively said they would travel domestically) with a minority inclined to go abroad (18% and 13%, respectively).
Germans are split: 21% plan to travel domestically and 21% prefer to go abroad. A small minority (12%) claim they intend to do both.
While in Britain, 25% said they would travel domestically and 20% said they would travel abroad.
For detailed results, please check the tables below. You will find information on the survey's methodology at the end of this release.
To what extent, if at all, would you support or oppose the introduction of a vaccine passport to verify that an individual has been vaccinated?
Would you be willing to carry a "vaccine passport" with you to demonstrate you have been vaccinated?
To what extent, if at all, would you support or oppose restricting travel abroad only to those who have been vaccinated against coronavirus?
Do you currently intend to travel for holiday at some point this year?
- Population(s) Sampled: Eligible voters in Germany, France, Italy, and Great Britain
- Sample Sizes: Germany: 1,500 | France: 1,500 | Italy: 1,500 | Great Britain: 1,500
- Sampling Method: Representative samples were selected through registered panel providers.
- Fieldwork dates: Germany: 25.02.2021-27.02.2021 | France: 25.02.2021-26.02.2021 | Italy: 25.02.2021-26.02.2021 | Great Britain: 1.03.2021
- Interview Method: Online Web Survey
- Language: All surveys were conducted in the respective national language of each country.
Philip Kyle
Head of Public and Media Relations