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There's no denying that podcasts are now one of the biggest media streams in the world. Around 24% of people over 12 in the US have listened to a podcast just in the last month. As such, there's a huge range of podcasts out there covering all kinds of topics.

This includes podcasts on the hospitality industry. As a manager or exec, you can get so much out of these podcasts to improve your business. Here are some of the best ones out there right now, that you must listen to.

  1. Lodging Leaders - This podcast is hosted by Jon Albano, a hospitality expert. He has posted over 150 episodes so far, and he uses the podcast to talk to industry veterans, including hoteliers and best selling authors. In each episode you'll get unique insights from the guests, as they talk about their experiences and what they have learned.
  2. InterContinental Stories - This podcast is a unique take on the industry, looking at where hotels fit into local cultures. 'It's fascinating to listen to, as you can see how these hotels establish global brands' says Suranne McKeowen, a hospitality blogger at Custom Writing and Assignment Services. 'It originally came out of a global marketing campaign, but has now become something much more.'
  3. Fuel Hotel Marketing Podcast - The hotel industry is changing all the time, and you need to be able to stay on top of all the trends. That's why you should check out this podcast. It releases episodes weekly, and lets you know about trends such as cryptocurrency, VR, and consumer mobile behavior among others. It's a great way to have your finger on the pulse.
  4. Book Greener - Many travelers are now trying to make eco friendly choices when they travel, and that's something you need to be able to cater to. As such, you should check out this podcast. You can get insights from hotel managers and owners about what they're doing to make hotels greener, and improve sustainability.
  5. Hospitality Academy - This podcast is hosted by Susan Pannozzo, someone who has more than 30 years of experience in the industry. She uses her experience to share insights with you, for those looking to improve their properties. She also has regular guests who can share their own expertise with you, too.
  6. Turn Of Events - For those involved in event management, this is the podcast for you. 'You'll hear lots of advice and actionable takeaways in this podcast' says Zara Ali, a writer at UK Services Reviews and Best Essay Services. 'If you find it easier to listen than to read, this is the best way to get all the latest info on event management.'
  7. Marriott's Behind The Design  - This podcast, from Marriott Traveler, focuses on the world of hotel design. It gives you unique insights on how design works, and why certain hotels are created the way they are. It's a very easy listen, so you can learn something new on your commute.
  8. The Boost Hospitality Podcast - Here's the podcast for you if you're looking to improve the numbers at your hotel. Host Mark Simpson has lots of secrets and ideas to share with you, all designed to help you boost the amount of 'heads on beds' in your own establishment.
  9. Hospitality Hangout - Technology is changing the entire feel of hospitality right now, and if you want to succeed you need to be able to keep up with it. The two hosts here explore all the latest trends, as well as talk to industry experts so you can see what's a flash in the pan, and what's here to stay.
  10. All In The Industry - This is the podcast to listen to if you want to get expert opinions from those who are big names in the industry. Host Shari Bayer speaks to a different guest every episode, who share their own advice, experience, and tips.
  11. Restaurant Unstoppable - This podcast is for those working in the restaurant industry. Every week host Eric Cacciatore speaks to a different industry insider, to see what they do and the experiences they've had in their chosen career. With this, you can learn a lot you can take into your own work.

With this range of podcasts, you'll be able to learn from experts from all over the globe. It's a great way to get new and different takes on the hospitality industry, and learn new tips and tricks. Download them now and get listening.

Would you like to suggest a podcast to Hospitality Net? Send us an email at [email protected].

Emily Henry is a writer, currently working with Australian Reviewer.

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