As we face unprecedented "talent" challenges as an industry, we need to rapidly transform the outdated parts in our industry as the choices businesses make today will have consequences for years to come. Promoting gender and all kinds of diversity and equality is part of this choice. Companies are stepping up - but many aren't addressing the likely underlying causes of this divide. We have a chance to reset work cultures, fix the most persistent barriers to women, and ultimately make work and life better for all. How can business leaders create more inclusive cultures in remote workplaces? How can a diverse workforce help to speed up recovery? What can we learn from the Black Lives Matter movement to supercharge action on gender equality? How can women rise – and thrive – in the new world of work?

Join Aradhana Khowala and Michael Levie as they discuss all things gender and diversity and equality in business.


Introduction (Aradhana)
Controversy is discussing the extremes; Get the conversation going... (Michael)
Diversity and inclusion is "one hell of a journey"... (Aradhana)
A historic perspective of the diversity-journey... (Aradhana)
Empathy is key to moving the diversity debate forward... (Michael)
Real change has to be driven by design (Aradhana)
Intentions are clearly not good enough... (Aradhana)
Topics like diversity and ESG should sit in the heart of executives... (Michael)
Mentoring is not enough, we need sponsorship... (Aradhana)
A call to action: Introducing 'NO' into our lives... (Micheal)
Staff shortage is a self-inflicted wound... (Micheal)

This is a follow-up conversation based on Hospitality Net's C-Suite Panel discussing "A call to move gender diversity from female fight to industry fight" in which 10 C-Suite executives shared their views.

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