• Common slogan of the conference days is "Place Making“
  • Highlight: Gala dinner in the ballroom of the Vienna City Hall with presentation of the "Hospitality Innovation Award“

From November 27 to 29, a joint event of PKF hospitality group with Vienna Tourist Board and Museum Booster will take place in Vienna for the first time, positioning it as the leading European conference for hospitality, tourism and culture.

The organizers, Michael Widmann (Global CEO PKF hospitality group), Norbert Kettner (Managing Director Vienna Tourist Board) and Sofia Widmann (Managing Director Museum Booster) are certain: "The convergence of our three events - 196+ forum Vienna of PKF hospitality group, Vienna Tourism Conference of Vienna Tourist Board and Museum Leadership Forum of Museum Booster - creates a common focus.“

The common slogan this year is "Place Making". The focus is on the exchange and interaction of all participants. During the three days, the events of the three initiators will take place, with the conference (196+ forum) bringing together participants and speakers from the hotel industry, tourism and culture.

The highlight for all guests is the gala dinner in the ballroom of the Vienna City Hall. The "Hospitality Innovation Award" will be presented that evening. On the following day, curated tours of new hotels, visitor attractions, museums and restaurants will complete the program.

"With our joint event, we will further strengthen Vienna's role as a leading global hotspot for hospitality and tourism," the organizers conclude.

About PKF hospitality group

The PKF hospitality group is an internationally recognised leader in hospitality consulting. With a team of more than 100 consultants in 20 offices on all continents and an experience of almost 100 years, the PKF hospitality group offers focused consulting services for hotel, serviced living, tourism & leisure investments – including feasibility studies, valuations + appraisals, operator search, project development, financing + investment, asset management, data analytics and strategic consulting. www.pkfhospitality.com

Martina Rozok
+49 30 40044681
PKF hospitality group