WASHINGTON – Leaders of top hotel industry groups, including the American Hotel & Lodging Association, the Asian American Hotel Owners Association, the National Association of Black Hotel Owners, Operators & Developers, and the Latino Hotel Association released the below statements on the second annual National Hotel Employee Day.

Employees are the lifeblood of every hotel, and we created National Hotel Employee Day to help thank America’s nearly two million hotel professionals for their incredible service and dedication. Today and throughout the year, we are proud to celebrate hotel employees and their important work. From wedding receptions to family reunions and vacations, our workforce helps create some of Americans’ most important memories. And with hotel pay, benefits, flexibility, and upward mobility all at near-historic levels, there’s never been a better time to start a hotel career. AHLA President & CEO Chip Rogers
America’s travel and tourism industry doesn’t work without millions of dedicated hotel employees, and today is an opportunity to recognize all of their hard work. AAHOA Members employ more than 1 million employees across the U.S., and the hotel industry depends on these energetic and hardworking team members who work day in and day out to ensure smooth operations and make the guest experience unforgettable. We thank these hardworking professionals and hope you also find time to thank a hotel employee today. AAHOA President & CEO Laura Lee Blake
The second annual National Hotel Employee Day is a chance to thank the millions of hotel employees who are facilitating America’s vibrant travel industry. We at NABHOOD are grateful for hotel employees’ professionalism and drive and glad to see the country honor them with this day of recognition. National Association of Black Hotel Owners, Operators & Developers President, CEO, and Founder Andy Ingraham
Employees are the cornerstone of an enjoyable hotel stay, and we’re proud to recognize America’s nearly two million hotel professionals this National Hotel Employee Day and all year long. America’s hotel employees are the backbone of our industry, and we salute their professionalism, dedication, and hospitality. Latino Hotel Association President & CEO Lynette Montoya

AHLA and the National Day Calendar established National Hotel Employee Day in 2022 to honor the nearly two million employees who work in the hotel industry. It is observed annually on September 1.

To learn more about National Hotel Employee Day, visit www.ahla.com/day

About the American Hotel & Lodging Association (AHLA)

The American Hotel & Lodging Association (AHLA) is the largest hotel association in America, representing more than 30,000 members from all segments of the industry nationwide – including iconic global brands, 80% of all franchised hotels, and the 16 largest hotel companies in the U.S. Headquartered in Washington, D.C., AHLA focuses on strategic advocacy, communications support, and workforce development programs to move the industry forward. Learn more at www.ahla.com.