From Hotels to Zero Emissions: HOTREC Report Captures European Strategy
HOTREC, the umbrella association representing the hospitality sector in Europe, is committed to supporting the industry’s transition to Net Zero.
Recognizing the challenges and opportunities that arise from this transition for European SMEs, HOTREC has commissioned TOPOSOPHY to develop a Net Zero Hospitality Roadmap report. The report’s purpose is to make the case for an accelerated response from the hospitality industry to the climate emergency. It provides an analysis of the challenges, opportunities, and available support for SMEs as they strive to achieve Net Zero emissions.
What is HOTREC?
HOTREC is the umbrella association of Hotels, Restaurants, Bars and Cafés and similar establishments in Europe, which brings together 46 National associations in 35 countries, and is the voice of European hospitality. HOTREC's mission is to represent and champion its interests towards the EU and international institutions, foster knowledge sharing and best practices among its members to further promote innovation, and act as a platform of expertise for the hospitality sector.