Global Hotel Investors Plan to Buy More This Year — Photo by CBRE Hotels

Executive Summary

Global Outlook

CBRE Hotels Research is cautiously optimistic about hotel market fundamentals this year, as outlined in our 2024 Global Hotels Outlook report. Following a 33% drop last year, we expect investment activity to pick up in the second half of 2024 due to highly anticipated Federal Reserve interest rate cuts.

Figure 1: Global Hotel Investment Volume & Share of Cross-border Capital

CBRE’s inaugural Global Hotel Investor Intentions Survey of more than 300 investors from the Americas, Europe, Asia-Pacific and the Caribbean casts a positive outlook on global hotel investment in 2024. More than 50% of surveyed hotel investors plan to buy more this year than last, while only 14% expect to buy less. Investors from the U.S., Mexico, Central America and Europe are the most optimistic about increased investment activity.

Figure 2: Investor Intentions for Hotel Acquisition Allocations

Cross-border investment is an important source of hotel capital. Approximately 20% of survey respondents invest cross-regionally. We believe the percentage of intra-regional investors, (i.e., U.K. investments in Spanish or French hotels) is considerably higher. Given the positive sentiment among investors, CBRE Hotels Research expects that the cross-border capital share of total global hotel investment will increase in 2024.

Figure 3: Percentage of Investors Engaging in Cross-regional Hotel Investment

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