In a recent one-on-one interview recorded during the HITEC 2024 event in Charlotte, Hospitality Net's Simone Puorto sat down with Warren Dehan, President of Maestro PMS. This interview is part of our HITEC 2024 series, where we have engaged with a diverse array of speakers, exhibitors, and visitors to provide in-depth insights into the industry's latest trends and innovations. Dehan shared his perspectives on the evolution of property management systems (PMS), the role of artificial intelligence (AI) in hospitality, and Maestro’s comprehensive suite of products.

Introduction and Role of Maestro PMS

Warren Dehan introduces himself as the President of Maestro PMS, a company offering an all-in-one property management solution. Maestro's suite includes front office PMS, sales and catering, club and spa management, mobile apps, and the recently introduced MezzoPay embedded payment solution. With over 600 third-party integrations, Maestro provides flexibility for hotels to choose between an all-in-one solution or a best-of-breed environment.

Evolution of PMS and Guest Expectations

Dehan reflects on the evolution of PMS since the 1980s, noting that the complexity of hotel management systems has significantly increased to meet changing guest expectations. In the past, PMS focused solely on front office operations and reservations. Today, it encompasses a wide range of functions, including booking engines, sales, catering, and more, driven by the demand for seamless guest experiences.

AI Integration and Potential

Dehan discusses the potential of AI in the hospitality industry, particularly within PMS. AI's effectiveness is heavily reliant on the quality and quantity of data available, and PMS systems like Maestro, which handle vast amounts of data, are in a prime position to leverage AI. Maestro is exploring AI integration to enhance various aspects of hotel management, from internal operations to guest interactions.

Current and Future AI Applications

Maestro is already experimenting with AI in several areas. Internally, they are developing an AI-driven knowledge base to help users learn and navigate the software more efficiently. This tool aims to answer user questions and provide training resources, improving overall software utilization. Additionally, Maestro has integrated AI into their guest survey system to generate personalized responses to guest reviews, enhancing communication and guest satisfaction.

AI for Concierge and Upselling Services

Dehan outlines potential future applications of AI, such as creating a virtual concierge service. This AI-driven concierge could assist guests in planning their stay, making activity and dining recommendations based on available amenities and local attractions. Furthermore, AI can be embedded into the check-in process to facilitate upselling, ensuring that guests are offered relevant upgrades and services in a timely manner.

Innovation Beyond AI

While AI is a significant area of interest, Dehan emphasizes that Maestro continues to innovate across its product suite. The introduction of the embedded payments platform, MezzoPay, has been particularly well-received, reducing friction in payment processing. Maestro also focuses on enhancing mobile apps for housekeeping, mobile check-in/check-out, and tablet folio displays, ensuring that the PMS system remains user-friendly and efficient.

Looking Ahead: Future Developments

Looking to the future, Dehan anticipates that the discussion will center on the progress and outcomes of their AI strategy. Maestro's commitment to responding to customer needs and continuously improving their product offerings will drive future innovations. Enhancements to the booking engine, incorporating AI for a more immersive and conversational experience, are on the horizon.


In conclusion, Warren Dehan's insights highlight the transformative potential of AI in enhancing property management systems and overall guest experiences in the hospitality industry. By integrating advanced technologies and continually innovating, Maestro PMS aims to provide comprehensive solutions that meet the evolving needs of hotels and their guests. This interview is part of Hospitality Net's HITEC 2024 series, providing a platform for industry leaders to share their insights and experiences.


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