During HITEC 2024, Hospitality Net's Simone Puorto had an enlightening conversation with Neil Foster, Immediate Past President of HFTP and Advisor at GAIN. This interview is part of our HITEC 2024 series, where industry leaders share their insights and predictions for the future of hospitality technology. Foster discusses the role of AI, the importance of data quality, and the philosophical considerations surrounding technology in the hospitality industry.

Introduction and Role

Neil Foster introduces himself as the Immediate Past President of HFTP, which produces the HITEC show, and an Advisor with GAIN. He expresses his excitement about working with industry experts to solve significant challenges in hospitality.

AI in the Hospitality Industry

Foster highlights that AI is a major topic at HITEC 2024. He reflects on the rapid development of AI technologies, noting that ChatGPT, for instance, was released only 18 months ago and has already made a significant impact. He emphasizes that AI's success hinges on the quality and management of the data it relies on.

Data Quality and Integration

Foster points out that the hospitality industry has historically struggled with data collection and integration. He contrasts this with third-party stakeholders like OTAs, which have been more methodical and strategic in managing data. Foster believes that as hotels improve their data collection and integration practices, they will be better positioned to leverage AI effectively.

Future Predictions

Looking ahead, Foster predicts that within the next year, there will be improvements in how hotels gather and utilize data. He mentions the ongoing effort to encourage direct bookings and reduce dependency on OTAs, suggesting that the competition between direct channels and third parties will continue to evolve.

AI as a Black Box

Foster discusses the opaque nature of AI, describing it as a "black box" that even experts struggle to fully understand. He expresses concerns about potential biases in AI-driven narratives and the importance of understanding the motivations behind AI algorithms. He emphasizes the need for balance between embracing AI's transformative potential and managing its associated risks.

Philosophical Considerations

Foster views the AI debate as more philosophical than technological, particularly in an industry centered around human interaction. He argues that while technology can enhance operations, it should not detract from the human element that defines hospitality. Foster underscores the importance of using technology to complement, rather than replace, face-to-face interactions.


Neil Foster's insights highlight the complex interplay between AI, data quality, and human-centric hospitality. As the industry navigates the challenges and opportunities presented by AI, Foster's perspective underscores the need for a balanced approach that prioritizes both technological innovation and the human touch. This interview is part of Hospitality Net's HITEC 2024 series, showcasing the latest thought leadership in the hospitality sector.


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