Red Carnation Hotels
The Red Carnation love story began in 1952, when a beautiful young woman called Bea, caught the eye of a distinguished young hotelier named Stanley, who was known for wearing a Red Carnation in his lapel. Today a Red Carnation flower is proudly worn by each and every member of our team as a symbol of our passion, commitment and care. Today the Red Carnation Hotel Collection proudly stands at 20 exceptional properties around the world, each unique and special, whilst sharing the founding values that define the family-owned and run business. As part of the TTC family of brands, The Red Carnation Hotel Collection celebrates over 100 years of hospitality since Solomon Tollman opened The Paternoster Hotel in 1920.
14 Grosvenor Place
London, SW1X 7HH
United Kingdom
London, SW1X 7HH
United Kingdom