Elton Mouna - Podcaster

Metaphorically speaking I have walked the hospitality industry walk. I believe this allows me to talk the hospitality industry talk. I have gained knowledge and wisdom of the hospitality sector through practical experience. I have run three pubs; have been Head of Retail Marketing and Head of PR and Corporate Communications at Fuller's and have been MD of London Pub Co Remarkable Pubs. I now wobby for a living (that's a work and hobby combo). I talk about, write about, broadcast about and podcast about the hospitality sector. As well as this I help others with creative thinking, one-off projects and throwing my two-penneth worth in when asked. I love the following: walking; London; walking in London; keeping fit by doing at least three sessions of high impact interval training a week; music of virtually every genre and radio. I am married to Sheila my lovely Mrs. We have two sons, Tom and Mark and two cats, Biggie and Smalls. Finally, I never ever run out of ideas and I am told my enthusiasm rubs off on others (which I think was a compliment)
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