Decentralized Identity Foundation

We are a special interest group within the Decentralized Identity Foundation (DIF) created to advance the adoption of Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI) and Digital Identity (DDID) technologies across hospitality and travel. The group aims to be inclusive to a wide range of expertise and experience, and is relevant to product managers; regulators; compliance experts; innovation lab researchers, as well as technical folks. The H&T SIG was born out of an effort by a small group of Hospitality & Travel Technology folks to imagine a modern technology infrastructure for H&T free of the mental and technical constraints of the past, one that leaps technology generations, and provides capabilities to addresses two of the most fundamental challenges that those in our industries grapple with every day: ▪ how to best merchandise our products to the customer ▪ who is that customer? We decided to start with the second problem – who is our customer – because it is foundational to solving the first problem, and because customer, at least as an individual, is common to all consumer-facing industries. This commonality suggests that an opportunity exists to join with other industries and the technology community at large to create solutions that are not limited by the creativity and resources of the H&T sectors alone. Working together across industries and sectors, we believe that we can help create universal solutions that work better for the customer, creating both customer-led demand and supplier-led desire for change throughout the hospitality and travel industries. The focus on customer (and supplier) leads us to identity, and the technical models that implement digital identity for all consumers, businesses, and things in Hospitality & Travel. And from identity it is but a short step to DIF. Our first challenge – product merchandising – is certainly not forgotten, in fact the effort is ongoing and intimately entwined with our work on identity.
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