TRUNK(HOTEL) CAT STREET is the transmission point of a new style of social contribution called "Socializing". "Socializing" is "to live true to yourself, without undue pressure, but with a life-sized social purpose." Hotel interior and design.Amenities and minibar in the rooms.Items, which can be purchased at the store, the takeout coffee··· Here exists various schemes that allow you to experience socializing. It is a boutique hotel for all people who are living the “now”, and whose desires are to “be of help to someone” and to “do something for a reason”. TRUNK(LOUNGE)emerged from the energy and lifestyle of the city and people of Shibuya, and is a space where people can spend time comfortably, no matter what their objective. It is the "THIRD PLACE" for a wide variety of people who gather here.
5 Chome-31 Jingumae
Shibuya City
Tokyo, Japan
Phone: +81 3-5766-3210

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