Though not completely unexpected (in April, the two companies openly admitted they were working together on a distribution platform), the Expedia Partner Solution/Marriott agreement created an unprecedented event in the industry. But, if it is indisputable that having all the wholesale distribution transitioning through EPS will improve Marriott properties' accuracy and consistency across third-parties, the assumption that this deal will ultimately help Marriott regain control over their rates and inventory is, at best, debatable. EPS technology does not, in fact, prevent bedbanks (or Expedia itself, for that matter) from distributing wholesale rates. So, does the deal only means that EPS is going to play detective with bedbanks on Marriott's behalf? Or the partnership between these two travel Goliath has the potential to fix a distribution model that's inherently rotten? What's your take?

Nadim El Manawy
Nadim El Manawy
Co-Founder / CEO at Arise Travel

This is a smart business decision by Marriott if they indeed were able to bring their commission down to a single digit. Wholesale business is a small chunk of Marriott's revenue and if this played a role in significantly reducing their overall commission, great move!

EPS is a good but imperfect solution that can allow hotels to regain control over their distribution and prevent rate leakage. EPS technology is solid, makes it easy for all parties to access up to date hotel content and it has the capabilities to make it harder for connected parties to leak rates. Now that Marriott has only Expedia to blame if they keep getting undercut online, it should encourage Expedia to police bad behavior on behalf of Marriott. It's in the major OTAs best interest to make it much harder for rogue OTAs to survive. I believe stopping rate leakage will eventually cause most of them to disappear.

There are two factors that will be interesting to look at moving forward:

1. Will more hotels trust Expedia with so much control over their distribution?

2. Do hotels want more transparency into where their inventory is ending up online?

As an Arise co-founder, I believe hotels will be better off distributing their data using a technology that transparently and verifiably works in their best interests.

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