World Panel
6 viewpoints
6 viewpoints
5 viewpoints
7 viewpoints
Hospitality Net has established a new forum where the hotel industry's opinion leaders share their thoughts, reactions and insights on the important issues and events that are affecting the global hospitality business. Called the "World Panel", this virtual thought-leadership platform is a place where hospitality pros can go to read thought-provoking observations, discover opposing points of view, and support their own thinking with new perspectives.
The World Panel is not a single group of leaders and experts, but many different ones. Each theme will call together its own panel, comprising specialists or executives with experience and expertise on that particular subject. So there is not one panel, but several, each one convened to address a specific theme. Individual panels will be assembled on an ongoing basis, bringing together experts and thought leaders to contribute to a specific thematic discussion. After their views have been collected, they are posted online, demonstrating a rich diversity of outlook and opinion on current questions driving and inspiring our industry.
Leading each panel is a Champ, chosen by Hospitality Net. The Champ's role is to formulate an initial Viewpoint, which is the starting point for the Panel. This Viewpoint could be a statement, proposition or question - something to elicit spirited responses from panel contributors, who are called Experts.
With the help of HospitalityNet, a Champ identifies potential Experts, invites them to participate, and formulates Viewpoints which are transmitted to participating experts using a dedicated online and easy to use platform. Views.
Spanning a time period of time, a Champ will thus collect Views from 10 to perhaps 25 Experts, so that at the end of the month, an entire collection of Expert Views is published. Since the Views will be brief, the final World Panel posted will not be a long, heavy document that readers have to plow through, but a readable and even provocative overview of different opinions on the matters affecting us in the hospitality business.