
The eTray provides hotels and resorts with the ability to conform to a more guest-centric approach where an array of non-traditional purchase items can be instantly made available in-room and without requiring guests to come into close contact with staff or other guests. Costing approximately one-quarter of the price of a fully automated minibar, the eTray nonetheless possesses full wireless operating abilities using a module that is directly integrated into the solution's electronics. This provides properties with the seamless ability to remotely monitor and manage individual guestroom inventory levels, with staff only entering guestrooms to replace products when notified by the system and therefore reducing any unnecessary room entries that may lead to contamination or direct contact with guests. With guests seeking to avoid more public hotel areas such as on-site shops or cafes, the eTray also ensures that diverse retail needs can still be met while providing properties with an alternate source of much needed revenue. As a non-refrigerated point-of-sale platform, this includes providing guests with safer access to items such as headphones, cellphone chargers, headache pills, bottled water, hand sanitizer, face masks and much more. Any items removed are automatically transmitted as purchases to the PMS to ensure appropriate billing while directing employees to restock and sanitize eTray units and merchandise once a guest checks out.

As with all other Bartech minibar solutions, the eTray provides hoteliers with full customization abilities in order to be able to adapt to any specific need or guestroom design. This includes being made available in virtually any size, color and finish along with the option of implementing the solution with leather. The eTray can also be offered as either a single or multi-tiered tray to accommodate a wide array of products depending on specific hotel or guest needs.

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