The social distancing measures implemented during the height of COVID-19 will linger and impact hospitality well into the future. This panel-viewpoint aims to address how hospitality leaders can think outside the box in the post-COVID era.... by asking "How can hoteliers
continue to deliver a personalized experience with a human touch... while ensuring a contactless, sterile environment?"

Larry Mogelonsky
Larry Mogelonsky
Partner at Hotel Mogel Consulting Ltd.

The answer: Not easily! The old 'close to the customer' approach is going to have to undertake a socially distanced approach. Guest service folks will require re-education. Hand shakes? Probably not. Removing masks? Never. The new normal of greeting will involve personalized messages, welcome gifts, and a lot of technology to reassure guest of both care and commitment to their welfare.

Sarah Dandashy
Sarah Dandashy
Travel Expert & Content Creator at Ask A Concierge
Robert Reitknecht
Robert Reitknecht
Hospitality Leader and Guest Experience Expert