As lockdowns start to lift, hotel bookings are beginning to pick up. Despite ongoing COVID concerns, people are eager to venture out again and this is very good news—as long as travel is managed responsibly, with effective preventative measures in place. With positive signs now visible, lodging operators can look forward to and plan for increasing occupancy rates with more confidence. According to McKinsey's research, the pandemic has accelerated digital transformation by 10 years and today's travel consumers have become more digitally and tech-savvy than ever.

Which begs the question: Where lies the single biggest opportunity in digital marketing for hotels in 2022?

Larry Mogelonsky
Larry Mogelonsky
Partner at Hotel Mogel Consulting Ltd.

There are so many different technology solutions that to list or rank them is all but impossible. The opportunity is to convince owners/brands to make the commitment to, and investment for these solutions. The 'good old days' of operating unchaged through the late 20th century are over. The solutions to the labor crisi is at hand. That is, if hoteliers are willing to embrace it!

Frederic Gonzalo
Frederic Gonzalo
Travel & Hospitality expert. Digital Marketing & Strategy Speaker and Consultant
Martin Soler
Martin Soler
Partner at Soler & Associates
Max Starkov
Max Starkov
Hospitality & Online Travel Tech Consultant
Remy  Merckx
Remy Merckx
Senior Advisor - Head of Travel & Hospitality at eClerx Digital
Simone Puorto
Simone Puorto
Founder | CEO | Futurist
Peter O’Connor
Peter O’Connor
Professor of Strategy at University of South Australia Business School

With OTAs' online marketing efforts crippled by the death of third-party cookies, hotels have the opportunity to better leverage their in-depth knowledge of, and data about, the guest to reach out and capture more than their fair share of the recovering travel market. Investments in CRM, email marketing and closeness to the customer should pay off big time as hotels reach back further in the marketing funnel and position themselves in front of motivated customers at the inspiration stage of their decision-making process. Simply being there will be half the battle. And in-depth customer understanding will be what ultimately wins the war.

Linchi Kwok
Linchi Kwok
Professor at The Collins College of Hospitality Management, Cal Poly Pomona
Scott Dahl
Scott Dahl
SVP Sales, Marketing, & Revenue Management at The Wurzak Hotel Group
Erik Muñoz
Erik Muñoz
Chief Commercial Officer (CCO) at
Ross McAlpine
Ross McAlpine
Director, CRM at EOS Hospitality