HN Meta Meetup

Traveling Without Moving: The First Travel & Hospitality Gathering in the Metaverse

Recorded on 

The video above is a live coverage of the meetup, for instructions on how to join in the metaverse click here.

Hospitality Net, together with Travel Singularity, Olimiant, and HFTP have teamed up to produce the first First Travel & Hospitality Gathering in the Metaverse.

Traveling Without Moving, how Web3, Metaverse(s), NFT, crypto, DAO, and blockchain are changing the industry. The Meta Meetup will break new boundaries within the hospitality industry as visionaries, technology solutions providers, and hoteliers begin to embrace this new virtual landscape of human interaction. The meetup will take place from 11 AM until 8 PM CET, May 20, 2022, in one of the world’s most iconic locations: The Trinità dei Monti steps in Rome, Italy. The Trinità dei Monti is best known for its position above the Spanish Steps, leading down to the famous Piazza di Spagna.

How to join in the Metaverse


Session 1

11:00 ~ Event introduction by Henri Roelings, Lorenzo Mari and Simone Puorto
11:10 ~ Speaker: Lennert De Jong, citizenM Hotels
11:15 ~ Speaker: Tony Loeb, Experience Hotel
11:20 ~ Speaker: Thomas Yung, My Hotel Reputation
11:25 ~ Speaker: Alexander Edström, Atomize
11:30 ~ Speaker: Antonio Picozzi, Takyon
11:35 ~ Speaker: Celia Regina Guimaraes
11:40 ~ Speaker: Rita Varga, RAIZUP
11:45 ~ Speaker: Sébastien Félix, Influence Society
11:45 - 12:00 ~ Open Talk
12:00 - 13:00 ~ Social gathering with the participants

Session 2

15:00 ~ Event introduction by Henri Roelings, Lorenzo Mari and Simone Puorto
15:10 ~ Speaker: Breandan May, Hotel Res Bot
15:15 ~ Speaker: Edoardo Colombo
15:20 ~ Speaker: Juanjo Rodriguez, The Hotels Network
15:25 ~ Speaker: Michael Robinson, Chainlink Labs
15:30 ~ Speaker: Stephen Burke, Robosize ME
15:35 ~ Speaker: Tracy Cosgrove
15:40 ~ Speaker: Jan Hejny, HotelTime Solutions
15:45 ~ Speaker: Roberto Garavaglia
15:45 - 16:00 ~ Open Talk
16:00 - 17:00 ~ Social gathering with the participants

Session 3

18:00 ~ Event introduction by Henri Roelings, Lorenzo Mari and Simone Puorto
18:10 ~ Speaker: Frank Wolfe, Hospitality Financial and Technology Professionals (HFTP)
18:15 ~ Speaker: Fulvio Giannetti, Lybra
18:20 ~ Speaker: Aldair Borges, Mews Systems Ltd
18:25 ~ Speaker: Pablo Delgado,
18:30 ~ Speaker: Zoltan Istvan
18:35 ~ Speaker: Mark Fancourt, TRAVHOTECH
18:40 ~ Speaker: Paula Marie Kilgarriff, Technological University Dublin
18:45 ~ Speaker: Daniel Craig, Reknown
18:50 - 19:00 Open Talk
19:00 - 20:00 ~ Final words & Social gathering with the participants


Join in 3DRequires a VR headset like the Oculus Meta Quest 2

  1. Create a user account - explained here
  2. Build your avatar on
  3. Install/update the Spatial app if not already installed on your headset
  4. Join the HN Meta Meetup space here — opens at 10 AM CEST
  5. After joining, the meetup space will be available under Spaces in the Spatial app on your VR headset

Join in 2DDesktop, laptop, or IOS/Android mobile device

  1. Create a user account - explained here
  2. Build your avatar on
  3. Join the HN Meta Meetup space here — opens at 10 AM CEST

Broadcast onlyAvailable on HN, Youtube, LinkedIn and Facebook

  1. Watch on Hospitality Net
  2. Watch on Youtube (coming soon)
  3. Watch on LinkedIn (coming soon)
  4. Watch on Facebook (coming soon)
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