The hospitality industry thrives on innovation, and technology sits at the forefront of that progress. From checking in to enjoying their stay, information technology is reshaping the guest experience, allowing hotels to not only keep pace but to truly excel. It is the secret ingredient for a smooth-running operation and an unforgettable guest experience. So, what’s the role of facial biometric authentication technology in the hospitality landscape?

What is face authentication?

Face authentication is a specific application of facial recognition technology used for authentication purposes. It verifies a person's claimed identity by comparing a live capture or digital image of their face with a previously created biometric template.

While often used interchangeably, facial recognition and face authentication are distinct technologies. Facial recognition focuses on identifying individuals by comparing their faces to a vast database of images. This technology finds applications in public safety, such as checking watchlists for law enforcement or identifying missing persons in surveillance footage. Since these applications aim for general identification, user consent is typically not required.

Face authentication, on the other hand, verifies a claimed identity. Here, a user pre-enrolls their face with a device, creating a reference template. Subsequent authentication attempts involve capturing the user's face and comparing it to the stored template. This method provides convenient passwordless access to services and physical locations. Importantly, face authentication operates with user consent and focuses on secure access control, not public identification.

First, there’s the enrollment process. It starts with a selfie captured by the device's camera. A liveness check verifies physical presence, and a secure biometric template is created from the selfie for future authentication.

During identity verification, the user presents their face to the camera again. Another liveness check is performed, and a new biometric template is generated. This new template is compared to the stored enrollment template. A match grants access, while a non-match denies it.

Four applications of face authentication to the hospitality industry

The hospitality industry is embracing face authentication technology to enhance both guest experiences and staff management. Two key areas are seeing significant benefits from this biometric-based approach, and they are check-ins and personalization.

Hotels implementing facial check-in unlock a double win: smoother operations and happier guests. For guests, biometric check-in translates to convenience and efficiency. It automates the check-in process, eliminating the need to present identification and paperwork. This reduces front desk bottlenecks and translates to quicker check-ins and happier guests.

Hotels also reap significant advantages from implementing face check-in. Firstly, it reduces congestion at the front desk, allowing staff to dedicate more time to personalized service and guest interaction. This can lead to higher satisfaction ratings and positive reviews. Additionally, face check-in fosters contactless operation, minimizing physical interactions during a time of heightened hygiene concerns.

And it goes beyond simple identification; it unlocks a world of personalized experiences that strengthen the guest-hotel connection. It enables instant identification of returning guests, allowing staff to welcome them by name and create a warm, familiar atmosphere.

On top of that, it enables effortless anticipation: no more asking about preferred drinks or room temperatures. Facial authentication can link guest profiles to past stays, enabling staff to anticipate needs and expedite service, creating a truly seamless experience.

Pedro Torres
CEO and co-founder