Tourists booking a hotel in Spain will soon be able to choose not only one with the best views or the biggest pool, but also one where the staff enjoy decent working conditions.

Having tried without success to persuade platforms such as and TripAdvisor to include working conditions as part of how they rate hotels, Las Kellys, Spain’s indefatigable chambermaids’ organisation, is setting up its own booking platform.

Last week its crowdfunding campaign surpassed the minimum €60,000 required to set up the website and mobile app and is on target to reach the maximum goal of €90,000.

“We want to usher in a new era of tourism where people’s working conditions and their humanity are above economic interests,” said Las Kellys spokesperson Vania Arana.

To meet Las Kellys’ criteria, hotels must respect the national agreement on pay and conditions, comply with health and safety regulations, have an equal pay policy, employ vulnerable people and employ the chambermaids in-house.

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