Our November events in Long Beach confirmed that we must address AI in hospitality. Curate 2023: Demystifying AI aimed to do just that. Read our session recaps offering key insights and thought-provoking highlights from the innovative discussions and transformative ideas that emerged from this stimulating day. 

Curate 2023 Session Recap: Demystifying AI

Ben Heller, Google, kicked off HSMAI’s 2023 Curate Executive Insights Forum with a session focused on demystifying AI. Ben started off by walking participants through how the current explosion of generative AI fits within the history of AI and machine learning.

— Source: HSMAI— Source: HSMAI
— Source: HSMAI

The three reasons he thinks everyone is excited about gen AI:

  1. Applicability
  2. Workforce Enhancements
  3. Operational Efficiencies

In one of the most photographed slides of the session, Ben shared the applications of AI internally and externally and in visual and writing work. He cautioned the audience not to panic, however, but to take the time to seek out the effective solutions that exist.

— Source: HSMAI— Source: HSMAI
— Source: HSMAI

In his discussion of content creation, it was clear that gen AI wouldn’t replace human creativity but augment it and eliminate some of the drudgery of tasks. He also shared how AI can improve organizational knowledge management.

One of the biggest takeaways from Ben’s presentation was the use of generative AI to speed, scale, and simplify creating and delivering personalized, targeted content. 73% of shoppers expect brands to know their preferences, and that “Hyper personalized branding is a reality today through use of AI.”

Read the full article at The Hospitality Sales and Marketing Association International (HSMAI)