HFTP Releases Sample Hospitality Job Descriptions for Industry Professionals’ Use
Effective templates for industry department leaders
Discover example job description templates produced by international nonprofit Hospitality Financial and Technology Professionals (HFTP®) and the HFTP Americas Research Center. The organizations compiled information into standardized descriptions for accounting and IT positions in the lodging industry, as well as descriptions for accounting positions in clubs. Available now via the HFTP website as well as its hospitality-specific search engine, PineappleSearch.com®.
The HFTP Hotel Finance Advisory Council and HFTP Club Advisory Council provided guidance for the development of the accounting job descriptions. A combined total of 25 job descriptions are available now with verified text for positions including, but not limited to: accounts payable/receivable manager; controller; staff accountant; director/VP of finance; internal auditor; CFO; IT director; CIO; IT security analyst; and more.
"A time-saving resource for HR professionals, hiring managers or any industry staff member responsible an organization's written communication," said Frank Wolfe, HFTP CEO. "With combined insights from trusted industry veterans and specialists, the text used in the descriptions is efficient and up-to-date with today's standards. HFTP will continue to produce beneficial resources for our industry in 2018."
Click here to discover more educational resources available. Read the full blog on "How to Write a Good Job Description" by visiting HFTP Connect. For HFTP career center questions, contact HFTP Membership Retention Manager Fritz Johnson at [email protected] or +1 (512) 220-4019.
About HFTP
Hospitality Financial and Technology Professionals (HFTP®) established in 1952, is an international, nonprofit association, headquartered in Austin, Texas USA, with offices in Hong Kong, United Kingdom, The Netherlands and Dubai. HFTP is recognized as the spokes group for the finance and technology segments of the hospitality industry with members and stakeholders spanning across the globe. HFTP uniquely understands the industry's pressing issues and assists its stakeholders in finding solutions to their challenges more efficiently than any organization. It does this via its expert networks, research, certification programs, information resources and conferences/events such as HITEC. HFTP also owns the world's only hospitality-specific search engine, PineappleSearch.com®.
For more information about HFTP, email [email protected] or download the HFTP/HITEC media kit. Follow HFTP/HITEC on HFTP Connect, Facebook (@HFTPGlobal; @HITECconference), LinkedIn, Twitter (@HFTP), Instagram (@HFTP_HITEC), Flickr and YouTube for the latest news. Stay tuned to HFTP's industry-specific, informational news sites: HFTP News, HITEC Bytes, HFTP Club Bytes and HFTP Finance Bytes.
Jessica Blankenship
Public Relations Manager