Would you like to have an operations leadership team in your hotel who has their financial muscles in shape? If the answer is yes then my workshop series is what you have been looking for.

Investing in your team’s skills and abilities with your hotel’s operational finances is simply good business. In today’s competitive world leaders want to work for owners and brands that invest in their development. Your managers want to learn these skills and by teaching them you will earn their trust and loyalty. Do this and your hotel will benefit tremendously, both financially and in team spirit.

The workshop series will teach your team business processes and create a foundation to expand their hotel financial contribution inside your business. My comprehensive hospitality financial leadership workshop series is designed to teach your operational leaders what they need to know to be able to effectively manage their budgets including payroll and expenses. Without this knowledge, a critical aspect of your hotel operation is left without the necessary and proper oversight. Creating a financially engaged team in your hotel is entirely possible, they just need to be shown the proper way and given the tools and training.

I offer 1, 3, 5, and 10 online workshop options.  See the menu of workshops available. Book a call for a customized program for your hotel today:https://calendly.com/hotelfinancialcoach/30min.

David Lund
The Hotel Financial Coach
+1 415 696 9593
David Lund

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