A collection of thought-provoking quotes from renowned author, transhumanist, and futurist, Simone Puorto.

With over 20 years of experience as an advisor, keynote speaker, and MBA lecturer, Simone is a leading expert in the travel and hospitality industry. He is also the organizer, together with us at Hospitality Net, of the rst travel and hospitality event in the Metaverse (Polybius and HN meta meetup) and an advisory board member for various companies in the eld.

Known for his visionary ideas, Simone's thoughts on the future of AI, the Metaverse, cryptoanarchy, and decentralized tourism institutions are sure to captivate readers.

Dive into a collection of 50 Simone's "T-Shirt worthy" quotes and join him on a journey into the Future.


If you are interested in learning more about the potential applications of the Metaverse in the travel and hospitality industry, be sure to follow our dedicated series, Polybius, which airs every third Wednesday of the month. You can find the next episodes of this series by following this link: https://www.linkedin.com/company/polybiusmetaverse/.

Additionally, if you would like to gain insight from experts on the topic of "Metaverse and Web3 in Hospitality," we encourage you to sign up for our expert viewpoints panel, which can be found at the following link: https://www.hospitalitynet.org/panel/36001939.html.

We hope you will join us in these discussions as we continue to delve deeper into the exciting world of the Metaverse.

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