HSMAI Perspective: The Second Annual State of Talent Report — Source: HSMAI

The HSMAI Foundation is excited to announce the release of the 2nd Annual State of Talent report! This report dives into eight talent-related trends we have identified as key considerations for attracting new talent, developing emerging talent, and engaging existing talent. Within each trend, we offer resources so you can learn more and actionable advice to leverage within your company. At our recent Foundation Board and America’s Board meetings, these talent trends were reinforced repeatedly.

The HSMAI Foundation turned our focus to the need for talent in 2018, when talent shortages were looming. We have spent the last four years watching our industry grapple with talent challenges while surviving the worst disruption in travel in nearly 100 years. Talent shortages continue to drive decisions as hotel commercial teams meet and surpass 2019 figures.

This report highlights eight positive trends that are impacting sales, marketing, and revenue optimization departments and the talent that makes them tick. Each one is a tribute to those who figured it out and kept moving forward in the belief that people need to travel, to see unfamiliar places, visit friends and family, and to explore and experience what life has to offer.

The eight trends highlighted in the report are:

  1. Mental health, safety, and wellbeing are essential.
  2. Corporate culture and values matter.
  3. Commercial strategy accelerates.
  4. Collaboration is crucial.
  5. New talent pipelines require nurturing.
  6. Development reskilling and upskilling gain importance.
  7. Marketing professionals help in recruitment and retention.
  8. Flexible work is here to stay.

We believe the State of Talent report is a must-read for companies looking to attract, develop, and retain top talent. We hope you find this report valuable and look forward to continued dialogue.


HSMAI is a global organization of sales, marketing, and revenue optimization professionals representing all segments of the hospitality industry. With a strong focus on education, HSMAI leads the way in identifying and communicating trends in the hospitality industry. Operating as a leading voice for both hospitality and for the sales, marketing, and revenue optimization disciplines, HSMAI connects its members with customers. Founded in the United States in 1927, HSMAI is a membership organization comprising 5,000 members from 35 countries and chapters worldwide. HSMAI operates around the globe via regional boards of directors and staff. There are four regions: the Americas, Asia Pacific, Europe, and the Middle East, with a Latin America region under development. Each region has geographic chapters and signature programs and services for association members. HSMAI has a Global board which is made up of delegates from each region.