Source: HSMAI

Bringing decades of experience and a unique perspective, Gissell Moronta, Senior Vice President, Sales & Marketing, Atrium Hospitality is set to share invaluable insights at the upcoming HSMAI Sales Leader Forum during the SLF Lightning Round. HSMAI staff sat down with Gissell to find out more.

Q: Can you share a bit about your experiences that have shaped your expertise?

A: My entire career has been rooted in hospitality, with a significant focus on sales. Having navigated through every facet, from servicing, catering, group sales and overall commercial strategy, I possess a unique perspective and a well-rounded understanding of the discipline.

This journey, coupled with my passion for comprehending every aspect of revenue optimization, has provided me with the insights I’ll share in my session.

Q: Can you give us a sneak peek into the key insights attendees can expect from your session?

A: The core of my topic revolves around elevating the sales discipline. I’ll delve into the evolution of technology, how it transformed Revenue Management and Digital Marketing and how that affected the sales landscape over the past decade. Sales needs to grow and adapt to keep up if it wants to be considered a commercial leader. Key takeaways include:

  • The imperative to harness our strengths, build relationships, be creative, but do so making technology our ally.
  • The importance of growing our business acumen. Looking beyond sales and understanding how to add value to the overall business.

Q: Why do you think it’s important for our audience at Sales Leader Forum?

A: Over the past decade, while other areas like Revenue Management and Marketing underwent substantial advancement with the evolution of technology, sales somewhat stayed stagnant resulting in a decline of its standing as the leader of overall revenue.

It’s now time for a shift from mere sales to a more comprehensive commercial strategy. My aim is to inspire the next generation and reignite the lost commercial spark from sales leaders.

Q: Can you share a real-world application related to your session?

A: As a member of the HSMAI Sales Advisory Board, I’ve seen firsthand the opportunities that arise from embracing a broader perspective. A prime example is the sales certification HSMAI is launching next year, aimed at creating well-rounded Sales Leaders who understand beyond managing the function of sales but also revenue management principles, digital marketing so they too, can lead Commercial Strategy.

Q: For those looking to deepen their understanding, what resources or next steps would you recommend?

A: I’d recommend encouraging sales leaders to delve into understanding financials, cost of sales, analytics, market share, and overall revenue management principles. It’s crucial to nurture a broader business acumen.

Q: Any advice for rising sales leaders?

A: Always be curious. Instead of limiting oneself to the sales discipline care about understanding and impacting the entire business. Building relationships and creativity are great attributes but understanding the broader landscape with solid business acumen is pivotal to success.

HSMAI’s Sales Leader Forum is being held in Long Beach, CA on November 8, 2023. Learn more.


HSMAI is a global organization of sales, marketing, and revenue optimization professionals representing all segments of the hospitality industry. With a strong focus on education, HSMAI leads the way in identifying and communicating trends in the hospitality industry. Operating as a leading voice for both hospitality and for the sales, marketing, and revenue optimization disciplines, HSMAI connects its members with customers. Founded in the United States in 1927, HSMAI is a membership organization comprising 5,000 members from 35 countries and chapters worldwide. HSMAI operates around the globe via regional boards of directors and staff. There are four regions: the Americas, Asia Pacific, Europe, and the Middle East, with a Latin America region under development. Each region has geographic chapters and signature programs and services for association members. HSMAI has a Global board which is made up of delegates from each region. 

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